Chapter 7.

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After getting away from the docks, we headed back into the Jungle planning out where we think D'vorah could have gone. If she does have the amulet we think she's headed for the sea of blood. We stop so we can update Kenshi. Jin went and looked to see if anyone is coming, Cassie and Takeda are talking with Kenshi, and Jacqui is also trying to figure out something.

"We're all in one piece. No one seems to be tailing us" Jin says reassuring us no one was following.

"Have you been able to determine where D'vorah was headed?" Kenshi asked

"We think she's headed for the Sea of Blood" Takeda tells his father

"Damn..." a deep voice says

"Dad?" Jacqui questions before walking over to Cassie and Takeda to listen to him.

"She's comin here, to Quan Chi. There's a secret portal near the Sea of Blood. Quan Chi had it built when we ere gettin ready to invade Outworld" Jax's says

"Great" Cassie says sounding a little annoyed

"Dad, what are you doing? Why are you in the Nertherrealm?" Jacqui asks her father

"Well now who's overprotective?" Jax's asks his daughter

"I know you think you have things to make up for but-" Jacqui tells her

"I'm doing this for Sonya . She's family" Jax tells her

"That's why I'm worried" Jacqui tells him

"I'll be fine. You stay safe y'hear" Jax tells her

"You stay safe too, I love you. Briggs out" She tells her dad

"Brings out" He says before ending the call. I will says out of all things I envy the most.... It's how they still have parents in there life's. I lost both mine at a young age and now one is an evil servant to Quan Chi alone with Kitana .... and basically lost my other "sister".

"Kota, you coming?" Kai asks me

"Yup, I think I've had enough of Outworld for today" I say smiling as we both walk to join the others and head to the ship.

"Hey Kai, Kota?" Cassie says

"Yes?" I say

"What's up?" Kai says as we both turn to face her.

"I wanted to say thank you for saving our asses back there. What you guys did was smart, you saved the four of us and did it all without us" Cassie tells us

"You should be proud of yourself" Jacqui said

"We're very proud of you guys" Takeda jumped in

"Just wait till General Blade hears about this" Jin says

"She'll be proud of them but will probably give us hell" Cassie says making us all laugh.

"Thank you guys we appreciate that very much" I say

"I guess our training finally payed off, Lord Raiden was right" Kai said smiling.

(Flashback a bit after MK9)

It was the middle of the day and Kai was getting done with training. Ever since joining the monks I feel like I've been nothing but unuseful. They have me stay in Kai's room and I'm not allowed to train or learn from them.

*knock knock* a knock from the door was heard.

"Come-" I was cut off by someone swinging the door open.

"I'm back!!" Someone said. I look to see Kai standing in the doorway with a big smile.

"What's got you in a good mood" I ask

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