Chapter 8.

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"We'll make it to HQ in few and updated General Blade from there" Cassie told us

"Got it" everyone said

"so?" Jin asked

"huh?" I said

"You okay?" Kai asked. Jin leans on Kai

"Hey cuz I need to talk to you" Jin said as he stands up and drags Kai to another room on the ship.

"What was that about?" Jacqui asked everyone

"I have no idea" Takeda said. "It's always something with Jin"

"It's nice seeing family being family" I say leaning back

"Kota I have a question" Takeda asked

"When don't you have a question" I asked laughing. Which made Cass and Jacqui laugh too.

"Okay I know I asks a lot but this one is important" he said

"Okay what is it?" I ask

"How was Kitana when you two were.... um" he stopped trying to find the right words.

"When she wasn't dead and brought back to life as an evil brainwashed henchman?" I ask

"You didn't have to put it like that" he said looking away.

"Kitana was my hero, she was the best sibling anyone could ask for. Such a great person who deserved the world. Not only that but she was a bad ass women" I say

"Damn right she is" Jacqui said. "If she could see you now, she'd be the happiest person in the world"

"I would do anything to have those moments back with her" I say

"She would want the same" Cassie said. "Hey, I guess looks do really run in the family" Cass said

"Not trying to sound rude but I do remember as a kid everyone said that I'd be a good looking person" I say laughing a little.

"I mean they were right. You know how many people gave you "the look" in Outworld" Cassie said

"The look?" I asked

"That's when someone thinks you're hot" Jacqui said. "Should've seen Takeda. Gave everyone a mean look"

"I did not" he said

"You treat Kota like a little brother in a way" Cassie said

"I wouldn't mind having him as a sibling, just means no one can mess with me" I say crossing my arms. Takeda smiled.

"Cassie, Jin is going to get punched in the throat" Kai said walking in.

"I give you permission too" Cassie said

"Good!! You hear that cuz?" Kai asked

"Yeah, yeah" Jin said sitting down.

"You okay?" I asked Kai

"I'm always fine" he said smiling

"Not when you're on the ground after I beat you in training" I said

"I can't get a break I swear" Kai said laying his head on the table. We all laugh.

(Flashback, little Kota)

"Mhh" I open my eyes as I feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I get up and stretch. "I guess Kitana is out again, I'll see her later hopefully" I say to myself.

I get dressed and ready to start my day but I look out the window to see that no one is in the garden. I run to the door and open it, hitting someone on accident.

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