Chapter 5.

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After checking in with General Blade we learn of my "sisters" location. With her location that means we know where the amulet is now too.

"The Kuatan Jungle?" Cassie questions as Jackqui and I stand next to her while Jin, Takeda, and Kai all come from the large set of stairs that lead somewhere....

"With at least two divisions of Tarkatans. They're on the move constantly to avoid detection" Sonya tells us from over a phone.

"That's not far. Maybe two-hundred kilometers" Jacqui tells us

"You know what to do" Sonya says

"Yes ma'am" Cassie replied

"Good luck, Blade out" Sonya says signing out.

"You have new information? From Earthrealm?" Kotal questions as him and D'vorah come from behind us walking to a table.

"Kano talked. Gave us the details on Mileen's location. She has the amulet, but she's got a lot of protection" Cassie tells Kotal as we meet him across the table.

"We will strike immediately" Kotal tells us

"Perhaps a two pronged approach. The army will engage Mileena.... district her....... while This One retrieves the amulet" D'vorah tells Kotal.

"Not alone. This One's coming with" Cassie tells the big bug

"Stealth is of the national essence..." D'vorah tells Cassie

"Did you not hear me?" Cassie questions

"You may assist in the main strike-" D'vorah said before getting cut off

"D'vorah. We will grant their request" Kotal tells her. "And I will be rid of Mileena" he finished.

"I have one more request to make" Cassie says making Kotal look at her. "Dakota will come with us" she says

"Very well" Kotal says. "We live soon, you three be ready, but Dakota..... follow me" he says making the others look at me in which I follow.

"Yes emperor?" I ask

"I wanted to give you something before you leave" he says turning around.

"Is that?" I questioned looking at what he was holding.

"Your lasso. I saved it for when you were ready to be Khan" he say handing it to me.

"Thank you Kotal, but when did you-" I says before Kotal tells me

"After you had left with Jade. I saw Kitana being taking somewhere so I quickly made my way to your room to check on you. And to my surprise you were gone and the only thing left was the lasso. I kept it ever since" he said

"I must get going. Thank you Kotal" I say bowing before quickly giving him a hug.

"She would be proud" he says referring to Kitana.

We end up making it to the camp. Like they said, it would be dead since everyone here is trying to deal with the ambush. D'vorah, Cassie, and I make it in without a problem. We hide behind a couple of boxes. I pulled my mask up since we're being sneaky, once and assassin always an assassin.

"There" D'vorah says looking at a tent with 2 people walking out one being a Tarkatan and the other being.... Rain!

"Stay here, if backup is needed" D'vorah says as Cassie and Her go.

"Here to surrender, traitor?" Rain questions

"You would speak of treason? This One knows you desire the throne. Why serve Mileena?" D'vorah questions Rain

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