Chapter 9.

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We come back from Outworld landing the ship before taking the portal back to base but as we do we're met with a site no one thought we'd see.

"Oh shit" Cassie says as they all run to check up on someone.

I look around seeing the worry faces on everyone. I think I have an idea of what happened.

"You're father... Shinnok's prisoner.... At the Sky Temple" the man who used to be scorpion said. Just than maybe S.F soldiers come.

"Take them to medical care" Cassie tells them

"Yes ma'am" a soldier said

"Let's go" Cassie said storming past

"Where?" Kai asked making her stop

"Kota, Kai?" She asked

"Yes" we says

"You know the Sky Temple in and out right?" She asked

"Yeah" we both answer

"Good, we're going there and saving everyone" She said. "Now move!"


"We land in fifteen minutes. We'll enter the Sky Temple from the terrestrial entrance" Cassie says

"Why not go straight there?" Takeda asked

"It exists in a different quantum state, slightly out of phase from our reality. It can't be reached by conventional means" Jin said. Which Takeda let out a sigh

"What?" Jacqui asked

"It's just us. No one is coming to help. We either pull this off or.." Takeda was interrupted

"We will get it done" Cassie said

"Hey guys" I question. Just then the ship start beeping and the sky is turning red.

"By the... what is that!?" Jin said as he stands up and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Dunno. But it's headed right for us" Takeda said

"Elder gods have mercy" Jin said

"Buckle up people! I gotta put her down" Jacqui said as she lands the ship.


Jacqui ended up landing the ship in a forest. Full of thick trees that over everything.

"Looks like the Temple entrance is fifteen clicks that way" Jacqui said pointing in a direction.

"A moonlight walk in the woods. Another time, It'd be relaxing" Takeda said to Jacqui.

"I wouldn't have pegged you for outdoorsy" Jacqui said

"My mother and I lived near a forest a lot like this. Really takes me back" He said

"After we wrap this up, we should go" Jacqui told him

"I ship it" I tell them leaning on the ship.

"Ship what?" Kai asked

"Them" I tell him

"I mean...." Kai was gonna say before....

"And I ship you and Kai-" Takeda said before the ship made a sound from Cassie trying to fix it.

"Fuck me. We're grounded. That shockwave fried the lead" Cassie said

"What's grounded mean?" I ask Takeda which makes him laugh.

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