Chapter 10.

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"Lord Shinnok is nearly finished. Soon the Jinsei's corruption will be irreversible" D'Vorah says as we sneak our way into the Sky Temple. Oh and we're literally on the edge on slip and it's over.

"The invasion can then proceed. Raiden and his allies will be unable to offer resistance" a really familiar female voice says as Jin almost slips off the edge.

"Once the realm falls, our path to victory will be clear" another familiar voice says. These voices have a democratic evil tone.

"Advise Lord Shinnok that the Oni and Orochi are ready. At his command, we'll unleash them on Earthrealm" the same voice said. "Have you found Raiden's portal to the Heavens?"

"Yes. But his wards protect it. We can't break through" another familiar voice said. We're have I heard these from?

"Kota, Kai? You might wanna...." Takeda whispers to us as they look over the edge as do we.

"By the gods" I say as I see the sight both Kai and I wish to have never seen........ Our siblings..... Kai and I share a look...

"That is unacceptable. After Earthrealm is destroved, we must complete Lord Shinnok's vengeance: invade : the Heavens and destroy the Elder Gods" My sister tells them

"Come" Liu Kang says as Kung Lao and Smoke follow him.

"Make war on the Heavens!? Shinnok can take down the Elder gods?" Takeda questions

"End of the universe. Got it" Jacqui said

"Kung Lao... to see him like this" Jin says "Kai?" He asked his cousin

"I'm.... Okay" Kai said

"Kota?" Jin asked me

"I... um.... Think I'm fine" I say not taking my eyes off my sister. I put my head back down and so does Kai.

"Hey you two gonna be okay?" Takeda asked. I could tell he's worried.

"We'll all be hangin round the Netherrealm water cooler if we don't pull this off. C'mon" Cassie says

The four of them walk forward as Kai and I take a minute and stay. Not even one step and a rock falls from under Takeda making a loud noise. Jacqui is trying to help Takeda get up and Cassie and Jin.... They go to fight my mother and sister.....

"Has your mother told you what I did to her friends? Kill them in a blink of an eye" my mother tells Cassie.

"And your own daughter. You proud of that?" Cassie asked

"We are bonded for life. And soon my son will join us" she says " and he'll have a proper upbringing" she says

"You go through me first" Cassie says as they start fighting. Takeda finally makes it back up to help of Jacqui.

"Kota? Kai? Guys?" Jacqui asks us.

"I think they're... scared" Takeda says

"Not scared.... It's trauma" Jacqui says.

Just than the noise of the bell goes off, pretty sure Jin got kick into it by Kitana.

"Back off princess" Cassie says

"You think mere words can stop me?" My sister asked. Just than Jacqui and Takeda join her to fight my sister.

"Thanks for the assist" Cassie says

"Any time" Jacqui tells her

"Tik Tok ladies" Takeda tells them. They all try to hit my sister some of them landing but she kicks Cassie away. Pushing Jacqui away and anther kick to Takeda.

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