Chapter 3.

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As we walked to go speak with Kotal the only thing running through my head is that all he's gonna do is ask and probably tell me it's best to take my place as Khan right now. I trust his words but during a war it's not smart and it would leave a big target on my back. When we got there Kotal was not to be seen but instead what looks like to be an execution was taking place with one of the guards reading off of a paper.

"In these times of war, we are required to view every resource as a weapon for our Emperor to use at his descretion. To take without his leave is to steal from the hand of Kotal Khan. Therefore, having been found of guilty of theft, you shall be put to death" the guard said

"I was hungry" the man said as he was being forced to lay his head down where it soon be cut off.

"Your sentence will be carried out.... immediately!" The guard yelled

"Death? For petty theft" Jin questioned sounding worried

"Remember where you are" Erron tells him. But just like that Jin goes to help the man.

"Jin!?" Cassie questions. Jin goes to save the man Erron pulls one of his guns out trying to shoot Jin but Cassie stops him and the others and I fight the guards around us. Jin had shot the guard with and arrow and then the guards ran up to fight the other 3 but Cassie. Cassie is fighting Erron he managed to run free and go after Jin.

"This wasn't how I wanted this day to be" I say, I'm fighting hand to hand combat because they didn't want me to kill anyone. Many guards have come but that's no problem for us. Two guards come at me but I run at one of them and jumping at him with my arms wrapped around his neck and both of his arms are holding me out by my armpit, but while he's holding me I kinda drop kick the other one that's behind him making him fly back. I then swing back and place both my feel in the ground and with the momentum I trip the guard that is holding me and slam his to the ground. Then another one comes and tries to punch me but I caught his arm with my arm flipping him over my shoulder backwards making him land on his knees and then delivering a knee right to the face knocking him out.

"Havitamaah, otayGAH!" I young voice yells as the ground shakes. "Hahah, let's play Torr" a little girl says on a big beast back who's name is Torr.

"Rahhhh" Torr let's out a big rawr

"You couldn't just ask for a pony like every other girl?" Cassie questions

"The archives never mentioned symbiotes" Jin says, Cassie, Takeda and Jacqui all run at the girl and beast fighting it one at a time as Jin gets ready with arrows to shoot just in case something went wrong..... which it did. All three of them almost got killed but thanks to Jin they didn't. Jin made the beast mad after shooting the girl on it's back with an arrow and it runs at Jin. Kai and I run at the beast ducking under it as it swings at us and Jin hits it with another arrow making it run at him faster with the little girl back it's back. Jin doesn't take long to defeat them and runs right over to us to see if the three of them are okay.

"You guys all right?" Jin ask them, but just when we think we're safe no more guards come and who's with them.... D'vorah. Cassie gives Jin that look again.

"The Erathrealmers, yes? This one must learn more of your diplomatic techniques" D'vorah says

"We're here to see Kotal Khan, General Blade's-" Cassie was about to say before she was cut off.

"You interfere with Outworld matters. The penalty is death" The oversized bug tells us

"I'm sensing a theme.." Cassie says looking at Jin

"But as we honor the Reiko Accords, we will consult the emperor. You will await him here" D'vorah tells us before leaving.

"You wanna take this opportunity to tell us what the fuckshit you were thinking?" Cassie quite yells at Jin

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