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The gasp that left my lips only brightened Medina's smile.

"Emerald, did you think I would not invoke Trueros to protect the bond that the Moon Goddess herself blessed?" Medina stood in front of me, held my face between his hands, and kissed me deeply.

Trueros was used when one mate wanted to stop the rejection of the other. In some cases, rejections were spoken in the heat of the moment or against one's wishes. Suppose parents had promised their children in arranged marriages and the children disagreed. In that case, they could invoke Trueros, at which point the rejection could not be completed for one year. During that year, the mates had to live together as true mates. Free from the influence of their families. The mates could not mark each other, and a series of council meetings would be held with the mated couple and the elders of their packs. If the mates came from the same pack, then members from the High Council would sit in on the meetings.

During these meetings, the reason for the rejection would need to be stated and provide the other mate an opportunity to address the concerns.

I was caught off guard that Medina would invoke this ancient practice.

"Medina, you can not be serious. What about Gisella?" I knew that Medina dated a Gisella Gorden; she was the daughter of one of our top warriors. Based on the times that I saw them, I assumed they were serious about each other.

"I am freeing you to be the woman you truly love," I said, feeling magnanimous.

My questions hit Medina with a strong wave of reality. I saw what I thought was a conflict dance across his face.

"Gisella," Medina said as though he was trying to recall who the name belonged to.

"I have not promised Gisella anything. We, of course, understood that our relationship would end when we found our mates."

Before I could protest any further, I was being held tightly by Medina. I could feel his manhood pressed against my stomach. He was indeed blessed. The heat from his body ignited my arousal further and hardened my nipples. My body betrayed me and responded to him; Medina moved closer and licked my neck, inhaling deeply. My arousal for my mate became apparent as he scented the air and could smell my arousal. Medina whispered in my ear.

"Emerald, my precious gem, you are mine, and I am yours. I will not let you go with ease. You will not dismiss our destiny with a generic rejection. I will fight for our bond, and you can fight for your rejection during our Trueros. I assure you, Emerald Grace, in one year and one hour from tonight, you will be my marked mate." kissing me again, he released me and walked away, leaving me breathless, confused, and wet.

The following day I awoke to feel a sense of happiness for no apparent reason. I put on my robe and headed downstairs to meet my family for a family run. Heading to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I realized that my family had shifted and were waiting for me. I guess my coffee would have to wait.

Walking outside, I ran my hands through Ra's fur. Ra is my brother Steel's black wolf. He stood as tall as Shabazz, my father's midnight black wolf. I hugged Timah, my mothers, an all-white wolf. She was shorter than my Shabazz but strong, beautiful, and graceful. Showing off, I opened my robe and twirled around, shifting and letting Jade come through.

Jade is vain. Jade is gorgeous with her thick grayish purple fur and green eyes. Jade stands as tall as Ra, graceful as Timah, and is as fierce as Shabazz. When most people see her for the first time, they are stunned.

Ra rolled his eyes, mind linking me to stop showing off..Jade responded by trotting over to him and flipping her tail in his face. Ra bit Jade's tale, and the family run began with the siblings' chase.

The family runs covered the pack territory and ultimately ended at the sacred pack site to pay respects to the ancestors. These runs always help ground me and make me grateful to have the love and support of my family and pack. After paying respects, we head back home, going through our pack territory and inviting other families to run with us to the Moon ridge. This ridge overlooks the entire mountain range.

After the run, we head home and prepare for the first meeting with Medina and his family.

My heart rate quickens as I think of Medina, and I wonder why I am so opposed to being mated with a member of my pack. As a teenager suffering through High school, I was firm in my belief; Medina's soft lips and words, however, left me doubting myself.

Jade chimes in, "I know you trust yourself but trust the Moon Goddess."

"I know, " I say as a smile plays on my lips, thinking of seeing my mate.

The Rejected AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now