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"Hi Emerald, What are you doing here? Mega reaches to hug me and we both hear a low growl that causes the ground to vibrate. And then Medina is standing in front of me and Mega is on the ground.

"Medina" I stroked his arm. I know better than to step in front of him so I wait for him to calm down.

"Who are you?"

Mega stands and instead of being angry he smiles. He smiles that beautiful smile that I grew to love.

"I'm Mega, a friend of Emerald Grace."

Medina turns to look at me but I am looking at Mega.

"Emerald" I hear Medina's voice

"Oh. Medina this is Mega he was one of my instructors at Alpha Training""

"Mega please meet Medina-"

"Her Mate." Medina states firmly. I smile on the inside at his quick response.

"Nice to meet you" Mega brushes himself off and greets Medina.

Medina nods but remains firmly in place.

Looking at Mega standing before me seems like a dream. There was a time when I considered the possibility of spending real time with him, when we met Mega was already 24 and had not found his mate. We grew close but I always had Jade voicing her opinions non stop.

The year before graduation all of that changed Mega grew distant from me and no matter how much I assured him he could tell me anything and we would remain friends he kept quiet. Eventually the quiet became too loud and created so much space between us that by graduation we seemed like strangers.

"What brings you to the White Mountains?" I ask Mega. I am confused because Mega left to go to the west coast after our class graduated. I thought he would stay there since he is from that area.

Mega shifts from side to side, scratching the back of his head he clears his throat..

"Well I came to see my mate" he makes the statement staring directly into my eyes.

My mouth begins to form a small smile, when we were close we would refer to each other as Mate. He hadn't found his and I was planning on rejecting mine. We had chemistry, the thought of us being mates made me feel something. Although we weren't fated mates, being chosen mates felt right, we chose each other. Knowing you are somebody's choice gives you a certain confidence and the choice for us was a mutual one, until it wasn't.

He didn't chose me after all but now he is here in the flesh, for me-

It felt like a bucket of ice had been thrown in my face when I heard him say " I met her a little over a year ago"

The smile that had begun to form was now hidden by a straight face devoid of emotion.

Mega watched me, I know he was looking for a reaction, but he wouldn't get one.

Jade stirred in my mind " I told-" before she could finish her statement I blocked her. The last thing I want to hear is I told you so.

Without any reaction from me Mega continued to talk. I didn't hear any

of it but I heard Gisella.

"Oh my God Mega!" Gisella was in her full fake out mode that most people took for genuine happiness and kindness.

"Gisella" Mega caught Gisella as she ran into his embrace. 

All at once the realization hit me, Gisella.... is his mate.

"Congratulations Mega, Wow you could have told me you found your Mate" I directed my attention directly at Mega. I was aware and could feel both Medina and Gisella watching  

"Gracie, I-"

"Gracie?" Medina said out loud, the confusion turning quickly into possessiveness

"Wait, Mega you know her?" Now Gisella looked perplexed I could tell whatever her plans where when she came over were long forgotten.

"Yes" Mega stated firmly his eyes where still on me 


the ground started to vibrate again and Medina looked at Mega giving him a warning

"Emerald Grace and I know each other, I was one of her Instructors during her Alpha training"

Now all eyes were on me, but I had nothing to say. 

I looked around and wondered what in the hell was really going on. Gisella's  body language is giving fake, Mega looks confused and awkward embracing Gisella although they are mates and Medina is clearly on edge. 

This is too much, I looked at each of them and old feelings and insecurities washed over me, I couldn't be here right now.  I walked away shaking my head.

With my back to them I could hear the tone in Gisella's voice change and Medias footsteps.

I kept walking.


"I'm here Emerald. It's not what you think, trust him, trust them both." 

"I can't " was the last though I had as I ran and shifted letting Jade take over

The Rejected AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now