Eight Weeks

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After the meeting, I remained at the Kinsella packhouse with my family, and Medina returned to his family's territory to begin the process of assuming the role of Alpha.

My mother stuck her head in my bedroom door. "Emerald, can we talk?"

Diamond and I looked at each other...

"Uh oh, I'm out," Diamond said, jumping up and kissing my mother on the cheek as she left my room. "Bye, Auntie."

"Bye, Sparkle," my mom smiled at her favorite niece. I turned off the movie that Sparkle and I were watching while shoving junk food in our mouths.

My mom put the junk food aside and sat next to me on the couch.

"Everything okay, mommy?"

"Everything is great, I am so glad that you and Medina have accepted each other." The pause that followed that statement let me know there was more to her thought.

'' Before your mating ceremony, I want you to go through the cleansing ceremony with the Elders."

I remained quiet as I thought about what this would mean. First, it was going to delay our mating ceremony as the ceremony could only be performed during the Half Moon, which wouldn't happen again for four weeks. And from what I had heard, some wolves are never the same once they go through the ceremony.

"Mom, I don't-"

"You do need it. After your reaction to seeing Mega and Gisella, it's clear to me that you still have insecurities that Alpha training and all the "self-help" have not fixed. This is the way of our ancestors."

I know Mom is right. My insecurities are still there. I just managed to keep them in check most of the time.

" Listen, being a mate isn't easy, being a Luna isn't easy, being a Luna that is an Alpha mated to an Alpha is damn sure not going to be easy. You need to make peace with yourself. You need to release the past."

I knew she was right.

"You're right, and I'll talk to Medina. You know this means our mating ceremony is going to be delayed."

"It will be worth it."

After talking to Mom, I called Medina and asked him to meet that night at my Packhouse.

When Medina arrived, we went to my room to talk. I led him to my couch and sat next to him. Holding his hand, I took a deep breath.

"We have to push the mating ceremony back."

I saw the uncertainty cross his face.

"Why, have you changed your mind?"

I explained to him that Due to all of the negativity I carried, I had to go through a cleansing ceremony, a ceremony that can only happen during the Half Moon. After listening to the reason, he pulled me into his embrace.

We had not seen each other in over a week, and being so close, I could feel the pull of our bond.

Medina pulled me to straddle his lap as he kissed me slowly running his hand from the nape of my neck to the small of my back. I circled my arms around his neck and returned the kiss. I could feel his hands move from my back to my waist. His touch was soft and hesitant. Moving his hands up my waist, he pulled my shirt over my head.

"Baby," he said as he came face to face with my bare breast. I moaned as he licked my right nipple and then began to suck on it softly. I felt myself get wet, and he could smell my arousal, and his sucking became more intense as he massaged my other breast. My body had a mind of its own as my hips moved over his hardness.

Medina stood up while holding me. He placed me on the couch in a sitting position and kneeled before me. Kissing me, his hands moved over my hardened nipples down my sides to my waist. Hooking his fingers in the waist of my shorts, he pulled them down. My eyes closed as I felt him remove my shorts and spread my legs open.

I felt his locks fall over my thighs, and then I felt the tip of his tongue circle softly around my clit.

I raised my hips to give him better access but found that this teasing was intentional.

It was becoming difficult to breathe. I heard myself moaning his name.

I felt myself slide down the couch so my back was on the seat. I opened my eyes to see Medina's head between my thighs and my legs on either of his shoulders as he sucked my clit. My moaning got louder. His hands found their way back to my breast and played with my nipples. The sensation increased, and the orgasm that followed was intense and left me feeling high.

Medina sat up and had a satisfied look on his face. To his surprise, I sat up and, using my legs, brought him closer to me. I hugged him close and kissed his neck. " Your turn," I whispered.

We stood up, and I lifted his shirt. He was too tall for me to pull his shirt off, so he did the honors, and I was mesmerized by his perfect body. I undid his pants and slid them down so he could step out. I couldn't help but let my hands run over his thighs and perfect ass.

Once he was undressed, I pushed him back on my bed. "Get comfortable."

Medina lay against my pillows, and I crawled between his legs on my knees. Running my hands over his legs, I found my way to his hard dick. It was hot and pulsing. He was ready as the tip glistened with precum. I licked my lips and bent down to lick the tip clean. I let a moan escape my lips as I slowly took him into my mouth.

I could hear Medina's breath hitch as I took him into my mouth inch by inch until he was completely covered. I saw the surprise in his eyes. Medina was well endowed, but I knew it was possible because, after all, we are made to fit each other in all ways.

Medina watched me until I began moving up and down on him, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His hands reached for me, and I could feel his hands as he played in my hair. I grabbed the base of his completely erect manhood and pumped up and down as I sucked the tip until I could feel him pulsing in my hand.

"Emerald..Emerald," he chanted my name over, and when I sensed he was ready to release, I took him to my mouth slowly pumping and sucking him off. He opened his eyes and looked at me, trying to push me away, but I looked into his eyes and increased the intensity. I felt the heat hit the back of my throat as he released into my mouth. He watched as I swallowed everything he had to give and then licked my lips.

"Have you changed your mind?" Medina asked, looking into my eyes

I laid my head on his chest. "No."

" I don't know if I can wait two months to mate Emerald," He said into my hair as we lay in my bed.

" We can do it," I smiled. Although we ended the petition, we decided to wait until our mating ceremony to mate for the first time.

"If you say so '' Medina laughed and held me closer. Just two months, that's all eight weeks.

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