The Truth

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Emerald,  I heard Jade call my name, but I wasn't ready to come back. I felt as Jade slowed down and then came to a stop.

Emerald, we are close to the bottom of the mountain, and we are close to leaving safe territory. What do you want to do? Are you ready to talk? Jade lay at the edge of a small pond and began to drink cool water. If we were at the bottom of the mountain, that meant she had run over ten miles nonstop.

"Jade, what's wrong with me?"

"There is nothing wrong with you!"

"Even Mega chose Gisella, my chosen mate, a person that didn't know her! Selene is punishing me; she is cruel."

Jade's body shook slightly from the emotions Emerald was going through. Jade knew that Emerald was digressing back to a time when she felt less than, unwanted, unworthy, and unloved. Knowing that something needed to be done. Using the mate bond, Jade reached out to King.

Jade could feel that there was nothing she could do but keep Emerald safe and reassure her that she was okay. It had been a long time since Emerald felt this way, and back then, Jade would take over and let her rest. She thought positive thoughts and assured her their future was worth living for and that giving up was not an option. It had been at least an hour since Emerald ran off, and Medina was on his way to the Kinsellas to see if she had returned home.

STOP! Medina could hear King clearly. "What is it, King?"

"Jade and Emerald are at Burton's pond near the base of the mountain. We need to hurry!"

Without a word, Medina turned the Jeep around and headed towards the base of the mountain. Never in his life had he had such intense emotions. As he drove, his heart ached.

" I am coming, Emerald," he said aloud as he raced down the mountain.


Mega watched Gisella and could see the turmoil wash across her.

"Gisella," he called her name softly. " We need to go on with our lives, I know that the Moon Goddess made us mates but clearly, your heart lies with Medina."

For the first time, Gisella looked at Mega and saw him differently. She realized what true love was as she watched Medina go after Emerald without a second thought or a glance in her direction. She knew it was true that he loved her and there would never be anything between them. He would never choose her. Even if Emerald rejected their bond, she would not be his chosen mate.

The weight of the revelation opened her mind to a level of clarity that allowed her to see things as they truly were, and now, at this moment, the one selected for her was ready to reject the bond.

"Is that what you want, Mega?" she asked because after putting him off for over a year and refusing to acknowledge him as her mate she understood if he was ready to reject the bond.

"Gisella, I want the bond that the Goddess created for me. I want to love and be with my fated mate, but most importantly, I want my fated mate to want me as well." Caressing Gisella's cheek, he was prepared to accept the rejection and set her free.

Gisella raised her hand to cover Megas' hand as she could see him for the first time looking into his Hazel eyes.

Last year, she had been unwilling to let go of her dream of being Medina's Luna, of the fantasy that they would live happily ever after. She had mistook young love for a lifelong promise. Looking into Mega's eyes, she knew that whatever Medina and she had as teenagers was nothing compared to this. Medina had never looked at her this way.

Gisella felt her wolf Sonja stir " Are you ready to accept the truth now?"

Gisella's answer was to get on her tiptoes and kiss Mega on the lips.

"I am sorry. I, Gisella Cami Gordon, accept Mega Omari Hempstead as my fated mate."

Gisella's heart opened once she accepted her true mate, and in response to her officially accepting their bond, Mega kissed Gisella, and they both felt the bond of their union. Ending the kiss, Mega lifted Gisella up into a tight hug. He had prepared for the worst. If, in fact, she had rejected him, his next destination would have been the facility that Emerald had prepared to visit after rejecting her mate.

Mega was thankful the trip would no longer be necessary.

Gissela and Mega went to her parents to fill them in on their decision to go forward with their mating. The Gordons were sad but relieved. They only wanted what was best for their daughter and wanted her to be happy. They knew she was truly happy when they watched Mega and Gisella.

Mega looked around and saw the happiness on the faces of the Gordons and hoped that they would remain happy with his next confession.

" I would like to invite you and your family to The Angel Moon Pack for the Ceremony."

The Gordons looked shocked, " We assumed the ceremony would take place here before Gissella moved away," Mr Gordon responded.

"Under normal circumstances, that would be the case." Mega paused, not sure how well Gisella and her family would take the news. Clearing his throat, he continued.

" My father is ready to retire, and before my mating ceremony, I will need to Assume the position of Alpha of The Angel Moon pack."

The silence that followed his statement was tense; he looked at Gissella, and the shock was written on her face; she had assumed that he was just a trainer and he had not corrected her. He didn't want her to accept the bond based on his status.

Gisella's parents' expression was a mixture of shock, joy, and admiration. He sensed that they had been reluctant to persuade Gisella to accept their bond because they wanted her to be a Luna and not the mate of an Alpha Trainer.

" are an Alpha?" Gisella wasn't sure she had heard it right.

"Yes, El, I am an Alpha. Is that going to be a problem?"

Gisella sighed. She had wanted to be Luna; she had wanted to be Medina's Luna but for selfish reasons. The thought of being able to brag about it and be by his side, but she had not considered what they would really mean.

"No, but-"

Mrs. Gordon cut in, " Gisella will make a great Luna."

Mega smiled, taking Gisella into his arms. He knew everything would be as it should be.

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