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As Medina got closer to Burton's pond, he could sense Emerald's distress. Jade and King had been communicating through their bond, and he knew that physically, she was safe, but mentally, his Love was in great distress. He exited the car and grabbed a blanket from the back seat. He could see Jade resting by the lake but on full alert. Jade turned her head as she sensed him coming and got up to greet him. Rubbing her head against his leg, he could feel her relief."Hey, Jade, can you bring Emerald back?" Jade nodded and then stepped back and laid down; amid a shimmer, Emerald appeared, lying on her side with her eyes closed.

Median moved forward, bent down to cover her with the blanket, and lifted her into his lap. Settling against a tree, he held Emerald and felt her body relax as she opened her eyes. Without a word, Medina leaned down and kissed her forehead and then a gentle peck on her lips.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly, but Emerald nodded her head. She wasn't ready to reveal her fears. The fear of losing him, the fear of accepting a bond she had planned for years to reject, the fear that he may only love her because of a fated bond. After moments of silence, she felt ready to talk.

"Mega and I -"

"I don't need to know-"

"No, it wasn't like that. Mega and I were friends, and we were close. When we met, he had not found his mate, and he was 24. He knew that I was preparing to be rejected-""Emerald rejected, why-"

"Medina, I watched you love another girl for years. I came to you and told you what I knew, and you still chose her; even though we had been childhood friends, best friends, you left me behind-"

"Emerald, we were children, and the older we got, you shut me out. You walked around like you were better than all of us. I tried to talk to you one time and -"

"I know some of this was my fault, but watching you and Gisella hurt me. It was a daily reminder that you chose her over and over again. When I met Mega, he looked at me like you used to look at Gisella, so I chose him. We chose each other to be chosen mates."

"Do you love him, Emerald? If you do, I will go to the Elders and withdraw my petition-"

"No, I don't love Mega. How could I when you have always had my heart?"

Turning in Medina's arms, I kissed him deeply. Medina broke the connection. I could feel the reason why it was pressing against my thigh, and I smiled.

Pressing his forehead against mine, "I don't think I can make it five more months, Emerald," Median confessed. Then and there, we both knew we needed to meet with the Elders.After saying goodbye to Alpha Median and Luna Lorena, we began the trip back to Kinsella Territory.


When we arrived back in Kinsella territory, the first stop was to meet with the Elders. Emerald had called her parents and asked them to gather the elders together. It was agreed they would meet as soon as Medina and she returned.

Pulling up to the Kinsella Packhouse, Emerald felt nervous, and a sense of calm overwhelmed her as she felt Medina rub her cheek. "It's okay, Babe."

Emerald and Medina walked into the very conference room where Medina had made his petition for Tureros. It seemed like it had been months, but it had only been three weeks, and they were back already.

Looking around the room, the Elders and both sets of parents wore looks of concern and worry, and some of the Elders seemed irritated.

"Since you called us here, we will let you lead the meeting," he addressed Medina and me."I am withdrawing my Tureros petition." The statement caused a murmur

Emerald glanced at her parents, who looked unbothered; her father seemed to have a slight smirk, and her mother's face remained blank while her eyes were smiling.

Elder Lewis spoke, "Young Medina, can you explain your decision?"

Medina looked around the room, looking into each Elder's and our parents' eyes.

"I am withdrawing my petition because I realize it is selfish. After spending time with my fated mate, I understand her reason for wanting to reject our bond. She should have the right to decide without being subjected to the petition."

The room remained quiet, and eyes were now on Emerald. Alpha Medina and Luna Lorena appeared stunned. They had seen firsthand the young Alphas' Love and respect for each other and were unaware of where this change came from.

Luna Lorena had an idea that had something to do with the appearance of Giselle's mate, Mega. She had heard there had been a situation, and Mega and Emerald shared a past and somehow had decided to become Chosen mates. Luna Lorena's heart was in turmoil. She hoped Emerald would choose her son. She didn't want her son to live without his fated Luna. Luan Lorena was pulled out of her thoughts as Emerald began to speak.

"The petition is no longer needed as I accept the bond between Daniel Ali Medina and myself." Emerald could feel Jade's happiness, and it caused her to smile and her eyes to tear up. Medina reached for Emerald's hand and held it with a smile matching it.

Elder Jonas cleared his throat to quiet the room. "Young Alpha Medina, Young Alpha Kinsella, are you sure?" In unison, the young Alphas responded, "Yes."

Then, I will approve the withdrawal of Young Alpha Medina's request and leave the planning of the ceremonies to the families. If there is nothing else, then this meeting is adjourned.

Medina turned and kissed his mate on the cheek. This went better than he had expected. When he saw Mega and Emerald together, he was sure he had lost his mate. Only King was confident that nothing had changed.

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