Training Day

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"Emerald." I hear Jade calling my name, I am not ready to wake up, I feel so peaceful. I have never slept as soundly as I have in the last few days being with Medina. "Emerald..".

"Yes Jade"

"Be Careful, I sense there is something coming." The tone of Jade's voice in my head awakens me fully.

"Something coming?"

"Yes and you need to be prepared."

"Are we in danger?" My concern is building, I am not worried I trust Jade and she is never wrong. Through the years Jade has been able to sense the things my anger, immaturity or pettiness have allowed me to overlook. I admit I have been comfortable with Medina which is causing me to lower my guard.

"Is it my mate Jade, have I made a mistake in-"

"Girl No!, our mates are true, stop being so ready to be rid of them". The irritation in her tone I know comes from her not wanting to be rid of King I giggle."

"Stop giggling , what waits for us is no laughing matter"

"Don't worry my love , we have you both" I feel Medina arm tighten around my waist as he pulls me into him closer.

"Jade and King have already informed me of the possibility there may be a problem today and as always I am prepared, so don't worry" Medina informs of this as he places kisses down my neck ending where his confirmation of my love will be displayed once he marks me.

"So you are already telling our business to other people" I say to Jade.

Now it is her turn to giggle. " Emerald, they are our business and yes I shared my feelings with King"

I can respect that Jade's happiness depends on my actions and acceptance of my mate, because like Medina was made for me King was made for Jade.

"Baby, I need to get up and train, you can sleep longer if you want" Medina informs me, releasing his hold on me.

"No, I'll train with you, if you don't mind"

"I' d love that, it will give you a chance to bond with the warriors' your future pack" he adds looking at me with a knowing smile.

"Yes, my love with my future pack" I confirm what he already knows, this Trueros petition is unnecessary at this point.

Heading to the training grounds I notice Medina steal several glances at me, causing me to look down at myself.

"What is it?" I ask finally because he is giving me a complex

"What?" feigning ignorance like he hasn't spent the last ten minutes looking at me

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I mimic the sneaky way he has been stealing glances at me.

Scratching the back of his neck he looks embarrassed or unsure of himself " Um, babe I don't remember you ever training dressed this way"

Looking down at myself I scan the fitted one piece emerald green short set, with silver snaps that cross over the straps and down both sides.

It fits perfectly, as it should. I designed this specifically for me and for a good reason.

"I assume we will fight in both forms, so I wore this, when I shift the snaps release and my clothes don't get ruined."

"Yeah, that's a great idea but, it is extremely tight and shows everything"

I stop in my tracks and turn to look at him

"I know you are not talking Mr. Grey Sweat Shorts wearing man" I look my mate up and down and covering all that goodness is a pair of dark gray training shorts and fitted gray tee shirt. Every muscle and I mean everyone is on display.

We end a stare off with a round of laughter. As werewolves we are completely comfortable with our bodies, but we are not immune from being protective of our mates or jealous at the thought of someone eyeing our mates.

The laughter ends as we have arrived at the training field, scanning the field Medina looks surprised. Following his gaze I see him looking at Gisella and her cousins. I know most of them from school. Hmm, interesting. I think.

"I haven't seen Gisella at training this early ever" he says explaining

"It is okay this is her pack and her right to train whenever she wants, it's okay" assuring him because I know he didn't plan this.

Median walks to the front of the group to begin

"Good morning"

"Good morning" over a hundred trainees respond

I observed as the trainees paid attention to Medina, keeping their focus on him and trying not to look at me directly. Moving my gaze through the crowd I land on Gisella , I know she is up to something.

"Don't worry Emerald '' Jade speaks to me in a calming tone, she of all people knows my capabilities when I feel threatened. It wouldn't be good for any of us , since this is supposed to be regular training.

"Let's begin with our run, human form , 5 miles, let's move to the east field and back." Medina turns and begins the run, I run beside him, thinking this isn't so bad. Stress training, no warm ups, in battle you don't get a chance to warm up before you run. My mind focuses on the route and the sounds of the pack behind us, it is quiet except for the rhythmic pounding of the feet on the damp earth.

As we return back to the training field I feel tension in the air, I scan the trainees and notice that some are whispering to each other and looking from Gisella to me. My eyes land on Medina. I can tell that he is aware of the shift in the attitude and the murmurs, our eyes meet and I feel calm, I smile at him and he proceeds to give orders having the trainees pair up for hand to hand combat.

I watch as everyone is paired off and steps to the side to observe the training.

"Are you not joining in drills?" I recognize the sound Gisella's voice coming from behind me and I naturally go into defense mode.

"No just watching" I don't turn my head as she moves around me,

"I thought the mighty Emerald would want to show us how it's done"

I hear the bullshit in her tone and I am sure she is performing for an audience. Sure enough her cousins are standing to the right watching our interactions. They want a show, um. Okay we can give them that.

"Sure can" Jade responds, even better when we are on the same page.

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