Trust Him

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I sit in the silence as I watch Emerald retreat to the bedroom and close the door. I know that she is trying not to be affected by our past. I have the feeling that her experience in school was not a happy one. The image she portrayed was one of an unbothered girl where most were beneath her, she never displayed emotion, or a softness like other girls.

She was in all honesty intimidating, she was smart, strong and moved at her own pace often as if she didn't need anyone but her cousin Diamond.

I get up from my seat and make my way to the bedroom, opening the door I see her sitting on the side of the bed staring off into space.

"Emerald" I called her name but she didn't respond. Sitting next to her on the bed I take her hand "Are you okay Emerald?" She doesn't look at me or respond. I receive my answer by the single tear that escapes her eyes.

Flashback: Senior Prom

Diamond and I walk into the banquet hall, the hall is beautifully decorated. The Arabian Nights theme had been a good choice. Diamond and I wore custom made dresses that matched.

Unlike Junior prom I had shed most of my baby fat and looked noticeably different without my standard school uniform or sweats on. Our dresses were two piece sheer tops and long flowing silk skirts. Diamond dress was light blue with gold embroidery and mine was purple with gold embroidery. Instead of wearing shoes we wore blue topaz and amethyst barefoot sandals. Walking into prom I felt like an Arabian princess, ready to have a great time. The night was going well , I danced and laughed, while I was on the dance floor the music slowed down and I exited the dance floor taking the opportunity to get some air and refreshments.

Walking to the bar I saw them, well I felt him first, Gisella and Medina.

I could feel Medina's gaze on me and Gisella's daggered filled glare.

Immediately my armor was in place and put my usually unbothered expression on my face. Median held her close and Gisella ran her hands over his locks as she kissed his neck. I felt as if he was mocking me, further proving that he loved her and would never leave her. I heard what he said to her thanks to my heighted werewolf senses.

"Gisella you have nothing to worry about. I love you, and I will never leave you." He spoke those words in her ear as he looked at me .

Up until then I was able to shake off his rejection and his lack of consideration for my feelings. But that was a knife to my heart, a blow to my very fragile ego.

I refused to give him the satisfaction of a response so I looked past him, and when Diamond and a few of our classmates joined me at the bar, I let my megawatt smile return and ignored the loving couple on the dance floor. He will never leave her, that is fine I will never let it break me, he will be the one to regret his choice not me.

End of flashback

I am aware that tears are running down my face and that Medina is sitting next to me holding my hand. I wipe my tears and pull my emotions in looking at Media I have no words.

"Emerald, talk to me baby."

Those words caused more tears to fall, my armor was cracking and I was growing tired of protecting myself. It's hard to protect yourself from the one who is supposed to protect you. I can't show any sign of weakness with him, then he will have the power to hurt me. I will not be the one with regrets

"What can I do to make you believe that my feelings for you are genuine and that my relationship with Gisella was superficial."

"Emerald you said you would give him a chance share with him, show him" Jade urged me

I had no words but I could show him my feelings, I had inherited the gift of sight from my mother. I could both see and share emotions and experiences. I would never be able to verbalize what I experienced, I didn't allow myself to dwell on the past and I buried any pain and turned the pain into fuel to make me stronger. If I don't let him know how I feel this will never work.

Wait did I want this to work, he will not regret it if I allow us to work. While I had this inner dialogue with myself Jade moved to the front of my mind and took Medinas hand and placed it over my heart

"Trust him" Jade said as she and King shared my experience with Medina.

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