Sleep Over

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Emerald looked around. The Medina Packhouse was gorgeous. The large open sitting room was designed to resemble the living room of a regular home but on a larger scale. The sunken design had several suede couches, reclining chairs, and a large fireplace. The fire added warmth to the space, making her feel at home. The décor was different shades of deep purple and gray. Although a few changes had been made since her last visit years ago, it still felt the same, warm and welcoming.

"No, I just wanted to show Emerald around," Medina replied, pulling Emerald to sit next to him on the loveseat opposite the more oversized couch his parents sat on.

"Emerald has been to Medina territory before" Luna Lorena smiled, knowing that her son had come to show off his mate.

"You should stay for the weekend," Alpha Daniel replied while watching the young couple smile at each other.

"I don't mind staying," Emerald smiled at Medina. She was curious to see how his pack would react when meeting them as a couple. As if reading her mind, he put his arm around her protectively.

"Are you sure, Gem? We can go back tonight."

"I'm sure."

"Fine, it's settled; you two will stay for the weekend." Luna Lorena smiled.

The conversation continued , we talked about nothing in particular. I just could not shake the feeling that it was leading to a more significant discussion.

"Emerald, what do you plan to do about the Tureros petition?"

"Uhho you were right Gem" Jade said in my head

At that moment, I had forgotten the petition and remained silent. Thinking my silence indicated I might decide not to stay with his son Alpha Daniel's expression changed, reflecting the disappointment that decision would cause.



Medina and I began to speak at the same time.

Medina nodded for me to answer the question. He was just as curious as his parents.

"I think we will have to wait and see," I responded. Luna Lorena saw the playfulness in my eyes and held back a laugh as both her husband and son looked surprised. The Medina men were known to be self-confident at times overly confident, and she enjoyed watching the surprise cross their faces.

Medina turned to me in shock, and I couldn't torment him any longer. The beautiful eyes she loved to look into held a hint of pain.

"Just joking" I kissed his cheek, and he pinched her side.

"You had me worried" he returned my kiss but placed it on my lips. Such a sweet display of young love, his mother thought.

Luna Lorena rose from her seat, "I'm going to check on the dinner preparations. Dinner is a 7, giving you two time to look around and get settled in."

On the other side of the pack house, Gisella excitedly listened to her Cousin Marisa tell her that Medina had returned home. The excitement was quickly replaced by an unnamed emotion when her Cousin said he was with Emerald.

Gisella wasn't aware that Medina had made the Trueros petition; she, like most, knew that Emerald had long planned to reject any mate. So her being there with Medina was a mystery, one that she would soon unravel. Gisella knew for sure that Medina would be her mate. One way or the other.

"Not only did they come together, but they looked quite cozy to me, El". Marissa added, knowing her Cousin was in turmoil and trying not to show her emotions.

When Medina ended his relationship with Gisella, she thought it was temporary. She had held off her true mate in hopes that Medina would change his mind on his own. But now she knew he would need help.

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