This timeline takes place in an alternate timeline where the anime seasons that come after LBX W never happen.
Since the event known as the Fall of Eden, the gang has resumed their normal lives competing in the Little Battlers Experience. However, their lives would drastically change as a mysterious explosion outside the city creates an energetic shockwave, which gives what appears to be superpowers to half of the city's population, including the gang. Later on, as the gang is having another battle, Van notices a crook trying to attack a young cop. Before anyone could react, Van suddenly summons a shield without realizing and tosses it at the crook, knocking him out. Upon closer inspection, the gang notices how it resembles the one used by Achilles, later realizing that he and gang had gained the powers of their respective Battlers. As they learn about other super-humans, the gang decides fight crime and other threats with their new abilities.
In a parallel plot, some of the heroes begin to show hints of romantic involvement, including Van and Amy, but it wouldn't be until later on that it becomes public knowledge, causing some criminals to get involved.
==========Van Yamano
Amy Cohen
Kaz Walker
Justin Kaido
Mika Morris
Laura Hanasaki
Hiro Hughes
Nils Richter
Jessica Kaios
Asuka Kojou
Hanz Gordon
Dak Sendo
Kiyoka Sendo
Team Arch: Heroes Of Nickelodeon
General FictionThis is a brief summary of my fanfic series, Team Arch: Heroes Of Nickelodeon.