Digimon Timeline

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This timeline takes place after DA02 (And by "after DA02", I meant after the defeat of MaloMyotismon). As with some of the fan-made Digimon timelines, the popular pairings of Taiora (Tai x Sora) and Takari (TK x Kari) are canon in this one. Aside from that, Davis has decided to give his spot to TK, seeing how important the power of Hope is to the gang. Also, Joe and Mimi leave the gang, and start dating.


The Digital Heroes (FKA: The Digidestined)

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya

Sora Takenouchi

Yamato "Matt" Ishida

Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

Takeru "TK" Takaishi

Hikari "Kari" Kamiya

Davis Motomiya

Yolei Inoue

Cody Hida

Ken Ichijouji

Rita Tachikawa (https://www.deviantart.com/mindsebbandflow/gallery/52653915/rita-digimon)

Franz Jacobi (OC)

Chad Perkins (OC)



Joe Kido

Mimi Tachikawa

Nolan Radcliffe (OC)

Ryker (OC)

Mandrake (OC)

Vertigo (OC)

Sifter (OC)



Ramon Reynard (OC)

Dexter Ferguson (OC)

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