Past Part 3: The Deal with Lucifer

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I stood there for what seemed like forever, trying to process the fact that I was standing face to face with The Prince of Hell himself. However, the question that kept racing through my mind is, why would he want to help me. I had stayed quiet for some time, so in an attempt to calm me he said "It's alright, no harm will come to you or Elsabeth this evening. I give you my word." For some reason this actually brought me some comfort.

But not enough to convince me of his identity or his abilities, so I asked "How do I know that you are who you say you are, or that you can do what you say you can?" What he did next, to prove his power will haunt me for eternity.

He sharpened his gaze at me, and then I fell to the ground in agonizing pain. It felt as though flames were engulfing the lower half of my body as multiple knives were slashing every inch of my skin. I kept screaming and thrashing trying to make the pain stop.

Suddenly I felt a wave of relief, the flames extinguished and the knives went away. I didn't have the strength to stand, but I slowly gained enough to speak. Even though I was speaking in a whisper, I felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs when I said "You swore no harm would come to me, you lied." I slowly started to get up and he slowly walked toward me. I wanted to run, but my legs couldn't carry me. "Ah, but if you look down on yourself, you'll see that no harm has come to you; as I promised." I looked down at my dress and my hands, and I saw that no part of me was burned or cut.

I stood there with curious eyes and my jaw hanging open. Then when I snapped back into reality, I asked "Why would you want to help my sister and I stay alive? An evil, all-powerful being like you, surely you have more important things to distract yourself with than two mortal girls." He smiled and said "Let's just say, you'll be of more value to me in the future." The thought that I might be useful to Lucifer frightened me. But if it meant that I could keep Elsabeth alive, then I was willing to do anything.

"Very well, Lucifer. What must I do to turn myself and Elsabeth immortal?" I stepped up as if accepting a challenge. He waved his hand for me to follow him into the dining room. We both sat down at the table and he grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill and wrote down the instructions to casting the immortality circle.

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