Past Part 4: The Immortality Spell

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It had been a week since I met Lucifer, and Elsabeth and I were still staying with him. We've had to stay with him because he says the circle can only be cast under a full moon, and there's one tonight.

I have to find a large body of fresh water and kneel next to it. I have to draw a symbol that is supposed to mean "life" in the ground and place a candle in the center. Once the candle is lit, I stand up and recite a spell; while I say this I have to slice my forearm to sacrifice my blood to him. After he accepts the blood, he warned me that I'll be overcome with a sense of power so strong that I might not be able to withstand it; but I told him, that it's a risk I'm willing to take. He also says that I have to perform the whole ritual without any clothes on, (so that I'll be pure to accept the power of immortality), but I think it's just for his amusement. However, I'm not taking any chances with Elsabeth's life.

Speaking of Elsabeth; Lucifer made me swear not to tell her of his true identity, or else he would condemn Elsabeth and I to separate levels of hell. This of course has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. I love Elsabeth more than anything in the world, and keeping this secret or any secret from her is the same thing as lying to her. But, it's for a good reason, and he said that I'm able to tell her everything after the spell is cast. My only worry is how she will handle it.

When the night of the full moon finally came, I took a candle and made my way to a lake that Elsabeth and I had stumbled upon a few days after we were exiled. It was the perfect place for the circle, the lake was all fresh water, nothing lived in it, and it was surrounded on all sides by the forest. When I found my way again, Lucifer was already there standing where the water met the grass. When I got close enough to see his face, I could see that he was frowning. I must have looked confused because he then said "You seem to have forgotten one very important part of the spell." He looked up and down at my dress and I realized what he meant.

With disgust on my face, I unlaced the back of my dress, and let it drop to the floor. He stood grinning for a few minutes while I stood stark-naked in front of him. "Let's get started, my beauty." He said still smiling. I walked towards the water and knelt down. I drew the symbol in the ground and placed the candle on the center. Once the flints lit the candle, I stood and turned to see him standing right behind me. "The candle is lit, what next?" I said. He handed me a sheet of parchment along with a blade and said "Read this aloud, and then slice your arm. Once this is complete you shall become immortal."

I smiled, turned, and read the parchment. "Lucifer vires clamavero ad vitam aeternam mihi tribuas" The wind started blowing across my body, I took that as a sign that the spell was working. Once I finished, I took the blade, pressed it against my flesh and slashed my arm. I tried to fight back the pain, but it was too much. I turned to him and saw that he was perfectly still, as though nothing was happening. As tears were streaming down my face, I held my arm out to him and remembered; he still had to accept my blood for this to work. In a sudden burst of panic, I asked "In what way must you accept my blood?" He took a hold of my wrist and brought my arm close to his face. And he said something in a voice that will be in my nightmares forever, "I must drink it."

Once his lips met my skin, I felt the same amount of pain that I had felt when he demonstrated his power, but another feeling was in there as well... I couldn't describe it though. It was more enjoyable than happiness, love, and excitement combined; it felt so good it hurt. In between moans, I asked Lucifer "What am I feeling? It's incredible." Then suddenly he stopped; he dropped my arm and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. I felt so weak, like all of my bones and muscles had turned to heated wax; it was only after Lucifer answered my question did I faint from exhaustion. "What you felt, my dear... was pleasure." After that I blacked out and can't remember anything until the next morning.

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