Past Part 5: The Apprentice

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I woke up that morning completely clothed in one of the other bedrooms in Lucifer's home. I started to think that I had just dreamt the whole thing, but then I noticed a mark on my arm. It wasn't a scar, or a cut, instead it looked like the symbol that I used in the ritual last night. Then I felt something move next to me on the bed; at first I thought it might be Elsabeth who had had a bad dream and came to sleep with me. But when I turned over, I saw that it was him, lying next to me in bed.

I got out of the bed as gently as I could, so I didn't wake him, and ran to the door; only to find that it was locked. I tried and tried to force it open, but nothing happened. "Good morning, Madeline." I heard him speak and turned around as my heart skipped a beat from fear. I pressed my back against the wall trying to stay away from him. As I calmed down I looked him over and realized that his top half was bare. Despite what the village taught Elsabeth and I, Lucifer wasn't hideous; quite the opposite actually. He had the body of a man who worked in the fields every day, and his skin looked as if every one of those day had been sunny. It took everything I had not to run back to him.

"What happened last night, what did you do to me?" I said sounding more scared than I meant to. He walked to me very slowly as he explained what happened after I blacked out. "After you passed out, I carried you back here and got you dressed. And no; I did not take advantage of you, if that is what you are worried about." For some reason I believed him, and I was almost back to a normal state of calm until I thought of Elsabeth.

The spell was supposed to affect both of us, so what was she feeling during the ritual, and does she remember anything? "What happened to Elsabeth, did she experience the same thing I did?" I don't know what I'd do if he said yes. "Not exactly. She fainted once you wrote the symbol in the ground. She has been in her room ever since." The way he said that made it seem like a long time, so I asked "How long has it been since I cast the circle?" After I asked, I noticed I felt weak and very hungry, so I got worried about the answer. "You cast the circle 5 nights ago. It took longer than I expected for the spell to take effect. But, there's no need to worry; you seem to be perfectly fine, and Elsabeth will be fine as soon as she wakes up." She wasn't awake yet?!

I got really worried, and Lucifer must have noticed because his expression changed quickly from happy and smiling to confused and frowning. I spun around quickly and tried to open the door again. When that didn't work, I got very angry. When that escalated into fury, I started to yell at Lucifer. "Open the door, Lucifer! I have to wake her up, and see if she's alright!" He was smiling like he had a trick up his sleeve. I was about to slap him across the face, but then I remembered who he was and what he could do to me. Instead, I dropped to the floor on the verge of tears until he began to talk again. "I'll unlock the door, and I'll let you and Elsabeth leave whenever you want, as long as you promise me one thing." I stood up and said "I've already told you, I'll do anything to stay with and protect Elsabeth."

He chuckled near silently and said "You seemed to handle my powers well; dare I say, you enjoyed dealing with them when you cast the spell. I believe you could be of use to me in the Underworld." I got suspicious of his deal and tried to speed things up by saying "I'm sure I don't know what you mean." He turned and walked towards the window on the other side of the room. "I have been alive for many, many centuries, but I've always been alone. I would like for you to become the solution to my problem by becoming someone that I will share my powers, my secrets and my kingdom with. Madeline, I want you to become my apprentice." After he spoke that final word, all the air suddenly left my body as I tried to process his offer; or rather, try to convince myself to accept it.

I was about to say no, but then I thought to myself What will he do to us if I don't agree? I chose not to think about it. Just to amuse him, I asked "What will be the terms to this agreement?" He turned to face me and said "When I need you, the mark on your arm will glow and you will transport yourself to the Underworld, and you will stay until I dismiss you. Once you're done, you may return to this world with Elsabeth until your mark glows again. I will show you everything there is to know about magic and my dark kingdom, and you will get to live happily and comfortably with your sister for all eternity."

As much as I didn't want to at the time, I agreed. I agreed to become the Devil's apprentice, to learning dark magic, and to live forever with my sister. Once I did this he shook my hand and sent a tingling sensation up my arm until it reached my mark; which, for a moment, glowed bright red as opposed to being pitch black like before. Once it stopped glowing, I heard the door click and ran towards it, realizing it must be unlocked. When I finally got outside, I ran down the hallway to where Elsabeth usually slept and burst into the room.

I saw her lying on the bed barely breathing. I knelt down on the floor next to the bed and touched her hand gently; and no sooner had she sat up in the bed gasping for breath as if she had a terrible dream and she had been screaming and running. She looked up at my face with relief and said, "Oh, sister, I've just had the most terrible nightmare. I saw you slashing your wrists by a lake, and I saw the man who lives here drinking the blood that poured from them." I almost broke into tears, for the time had come to explain everything to her. "It wasn't a dream Elsabeth, though I wish it was." She looked at me, frightened and confused. "What do you mean, Madeline?" I sat down on the bed and told her everything, hoping and praying that she would understand why I did it.

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