Future Part 7: The Execution

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After months of practicing, training and torture, I finally got the courage to challenge Lucifer. At first I wasn't sure; but then he asked me to do something that I would never do in a million years... He asked me to instead of calling him Lucifer, to call him Master. This happened in the throne room when we simply crossed paths. He grabbed my wrist, told me he wanted me to call him that, and then stated walking away with a smug grin on his face. After I regained the strength to talk, I said through clenched teeth "No."

He turned around and said with an obvious level of anger and annoyance in his voice "Did you just say no, Madeline? Or do I need to remind you of the consequences of disobeying me?" I turned to face him, and said clearer "Yes Lucifer, I said no. And would you like to know why I said no? Because ever since I met you, my life has been nothing but misery, sadness, death, and torture. And that ends today. Amor Devicta!" At that moment I saw that my hands were glowing white which means that the spell must have worked. I looked up to see Lucifer's face, and I suddenly felt invincible. I decided to use this new power and confidence to destroy the man who destroyed me.

I pushed my hands toward him and saw him fly across the room, crash through the wall and land on the ballroom floor. I ran to him just as he stood up. As he took his stance, I saw an amulet across his neck with a vibrant green jewel that seemed to glow. However, the jewel's glow seem to be fading, and I remembered that he told me the amulet had been his power source; and if the light was fading then that must have meant that his power was fading. Realizing this, I threw another bolt of power at him, and waited for him to land. I raced to him and pulled his lifeless body up just enough to grab the amulet from his neck. He immediately screamed in pain.

I discovered that I liked the sound of his misery, so I decided to prolong it. With an anger that I've never felt before, I threw the amulet on the ground and said, "This is for Elsabeth." He screamed while clutching his chest. I stepped on the amulet while shouting, "This is for my family." By now he didn't have the strength to be on all fours; so for an encore, I said "And this is for destroying everything good in my life. And I hope you rot like the coward you are." As I finished, I slammed my foot onto the amulet causing it to break into a million pieces. With this, he stopped screaming and he was barely breathing.

I walked over to him nervously to see if he was really dead. But he wasn't; instead he had just enough strength to whisper these words... Killing me won't save you Madeline. Your biggest challenge has yet to come. With that last word, he just died. I started to walk away, but then I remembered that I was still under the spell. So I reversed the spell, and started to walk. However, as soon as I felt the power leave my body, I fell to my knees. I tried to figure out what was wrong, then I realized; the biggest part of the spell is to keep love in your heart until you finish using it, and I didn't do that. I fell to the ground knowing that I wouldn't wake up. The only thing I remember before I passed out was thinking about Beth and how I wished that I could see her one more time.

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