Future Part 6: The Plan

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Since I was trapped in Lucifer's castle, I decided to put it to good use. I had been sharpening my magic skills and learning everything I could about Lucifer's strengths and weaknesses so I knew how to fight him. I went through all of his spell books, enchantments, potions; and I found nothing that would be of use. I almost felt like giving up and accepting my new life as the Devil's Mistress. Then I remembered that this wasn't just about me, it was also about Beth, and our mother and everyone else that he has hurt; so I kept researching , trying to find anything that might even give me clue as to what his weakness was. Suddenly I remembered something very small, but possibly helpful about the night we met.

When I told him I couldn't pay him he replied, "I would never ask for payment for something as simple as kindness." However, he paused before he said the last word, as if he was summing up the courage to say it. Then I realized that that must be his weakness. Only, kindness alone wasn't going to be powerful enough to take him down, so I expanded on this idea. If he could barely say kindness, then what about compassion, or mercy, or love? Then a thought came to me, if I could contract all of the love inside of me into a spell I would be able to use it as a weapon against him. There were only two problems; I didn't know how to do that exactly, and I didn't know how much I needed in order to take him down.

For weeks now, I have been studying, and researching spells; only stopping when Lucifer forced me to... which only made me want to find the answer faster. Finally, after weeks of torture and research, I found the right book. Inside was a spell that allowed me to take the love inside my body and turn it into a weapon against his highness. Unlike when I took Lucifer's deals, I took a look at the fine print to see if there are any negative side effects. According to this it said that I had to keep at least a little bit of love inside of my heart while using the spell, or else I won't be able to let any love into my heart after the spell is complete, and I'll never be able to love anyone ever again. So, all I had to do was think of Beth, my mother, and all of the ex-boyfriends I've loved.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I've had a few ex-boyfriends throughout the centuries. There was this one boy named Marco in New Orleans that I was absolutely crazy about, and I thought he was crazy about me. That was until I saw him trying to kiss a 15-year-old girl. I was pissed; so pissed that I started a little storm to let out my frustration. Unfortunately, my emotions got out of hand, and so did the weather. You've probably heard of the storm; Hurricane Katrina. My point is, in the back of my mind a part of me still cares about Marco, and if I just focus on that part I should be able to do the spell. With that in mind, I went back to the spell books and tried to learn some more battle spells. However, this was difficult because I felt a little nauseous.

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