Past Part 6: The Magic

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Elsabeth hadn't exactly taken the news well; in fact she took it pretty badly. For the first few days, she tried to kill herself in order to escape this horrible curse as she put it. I tried explaining that it was impossible now, but she just kept trying. She tried drowning, stabbing, and poisoning herself. When she finally decided she couldn't do it; she locked herself in her room, I think she's on a starvation kick now. But she's starting to come around; she's even started talking to me again. However, our conversations are always interrupted by my mark glowing.

I drew the symbol into the ground, and a door opened up for me to walk through. It is ridiculously hot in the underworld, but the curse makes it bearable for me. For the last month, Lucifer has been teaching me everything about his job. And, I have to admit, some of this is somewhat interesting. Especially his scrolls, he keeps a record of everyone's life, including mine and Elsabeth's. Written on each scroll are each and every person's past, present and future. Every good and bad thing they've done, said, thought, or are going to do. This is how Lucifer decides where to place this person after they die.

I had almost gotten a hold of my scroll, but Lucifer made it disappear. He says it's dangerous to look at it. So, I decided to back off. However, the thought of seeing my entire future in front of me is so tempting. I haven't had much luck looking for it though; when I'm down here he has me learning so many new things about dark magic that it gets hard to remember it all. But, my favorite thing to learn is how to tamper with someone's mind. Change their memories, modify their feelings, and even remodel their morals. It's very fascinating to me, not to mention exciting and simple. All I have to do is touch a part of their body, (their hand, their cheek, their arm, etc.) and focus on their mind. The only thing about all of this power is that I can't use it on Lucifer, Elsabeth, or anyone else like us; if there is anyone else like us.

It's been almost three months since we had been exiled from our town, and Elsabeth and I were getting somewhat tired of being trapped here. However, Lucifer says that my powers are improving, and as long as Elsabeth promises to behave, he says he's willing to let us go. My powers can help us find food, water, shelter, everything we need. And I'm so excited that I have the rest of eternity to use them.

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