~Chapter 2~

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|Olivia    Stacy|

I couldn't help but smile, my lips went from ear to ear and i kept blushing when i thought back on what had happen two days ago. The day were i actually truly met him.  I tried to find my keys in my bag, a deep sigh escaped my lips when i realized i must have left them back at the shop. I facepalmed and started to look through every pocket and corner in my bag and on myself, one last time before making my way back to the store. It was late and the sun had just set. It wasn't a very long walk, but i would be lying if i said that i wasn't a tiny bit scared. 

As i kept on walking, flashbacks and memories flooded my mind, reminding me yet again about our very first encounter. I've seen him before, usually with a bunch of people around him. Everyone knew who Jack was, and the person who didn't, probably lived under a rock. People either wanted to be with him, mostly one of his toys, or they wanted  to be him. He truly had the bad boy vibe, and his face was written player all over it. I knew that he would be bad, maybe even toxic, but i couldn't stop my mind from thinking bout him.  

When he touched my shoulder, it sent tingles down my spine, and my eyes traveled from his hand up slowly, painfully slowly, to met his gaze. He bent down so his lips was close to my ear, his breath gently brushed against the side of my neck. I could feel my heart beating harder by the second. Before i knew it, his soft, low voice whispered into my ear.

"so.. how about you show me the duct tape? lead the way" he was still leaning down, his mouth dangerously close to the side of my face. I couldn't bring myself to look in his direction, let alone answering him. My breath hitched as he tucked away a strand of hair behind my ear, almost flinching by the slight contact. I was convinced he could hear how hard my heart was pounding as he let out a deep chuckle at my reaction. 

I hurried down the street, hoping that Tim was still in the shop, and haven't left yet. When i reached the store and noticed the 'closed'  sign hanging on the window, i let my bag drop to the ground and looked up at the darkening sky.

"For fuck's sake Liv" i kept on cursing to myself internally, when i realized people might hear me talking to myself. I stood there by the door, mostly hoping that, somehow it would open magically. Well, my hopes was quickly destroyed when i felt a rain drop fall on my forehead. I sighed again and pulled out my phone, trying to text Tim, as my phone screen got wetter by the second. 

"hey, are you home? i forgot my keys back at the store, and no ones there lol"

Tim was always quick to respond, and he was always so nice to me, without him at work, i wouldn't really have as much fun as i have.


I wiped of my phone with the sleeves of my sweater before turning the screen on and reading Tim's response.

"Oh shoot, i'm sorry but i'm staying at my grandma's, hope it works out yeah? be safe"

I scanned the lit up screen and went through every possibility of how i could get home. Or just somewhere inside. It was now pouring down, my hair and clothes started to get soaked as i picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I could always ask Sydney, my all time bestie, but i knew she was on a vacation and wouldn't be home for another three days. 

I slowly walked down the street, trying to find an open cafe or something to take shelter in, and possibly get a hot drink as well. The scent of rain was calming and i loved the rain, but mostly when i could be in my bed, twirled around in blankets and a book in my lap, i sighed again. My body temperature was dropping and i made a mental note to myself to always keep a spare key on me. 

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