~Chapter 6~

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|Jack    Micheal's|

I was sitting at our table, filled with people I've never even seen before, chatting, and just hanging out. Everyone was drinking except me, i never really liked being out of control. Girls were giggling and trying to catch my attention. Sure, i loved it, i loved the way girls would swarm around me. But in the end, it started to get a little boring. I never have to chase anything, and that's the fun part. Hunting

I had a girl sitting in my lap, fiddling with the hem of my shirt, while i was having a conversation with one of my friends, Andrew. After a while i could sense that he lost interest in our conversation and directed his attention else where, somewhere behind me. I turned around to notice that there's a whole crowd surrounding the bar. It took a while for eyes to see what all the fuss was about. And that's when i saw it, a girl dancing to the beats of the music. 

Just as i was about to turn back around, to our table, i saw a glimpse of the face standing on top of the bar. Liv. My eyes shot up and i swear i could feel how my blood started to boil. What the actual fuck was she doing here. Dancing. For all those creeps. I quickly pushed the girl off my knee and started marching my way to the crowd, gawking at the beautiful body. I pushed my way through, gritting my teeth in the process. I was furious. When i got a closer look at her, i could see how her legs could barely hold her up, and i quickly took the opportunity in action to sweep her off the bar and getting her away from the drunk crowd that cheered for her to keep going. I tried to control my anger but when she freed herself out of my grip, i lost it. I turned around in a heartbeat as i saw where her weak fragile legs were taking her, towards the bartender standing at the bar. Her petite figure stumbled around and i soon catch up to her light steps. My arms carried her off the ground and i held her bridal-style as i walked through the crowd and out of the club.

Her big, emerald eyes kept staring back into mine, and i felt guilt. She doesn't deserve being with someone like me, someone that will just destroy her innocence. Her beauty. I'm not capable of having a relationship, she doesn't understand that. 

"You're drunk.." i stated with gritted teeth. 

"well- duhhh" she stated back with a joyful smile behind her 'obvious' filled tone. 

She clearly doesn't know or comprehend the danger she could of put herself in. What if i wasn't there to take her away? What if some creep laid their hands on her? No one deserves her. She is simply just too good, and i wouldn't want any harm to get to her, except the kind i'm inflicting. I don't want her to feel anything else except if its from me. Caused by me

"For fuck's sake Liv. This isn't funny, did you even see all the men-" I had to pause before continuing. Flashback came flooding my mind with images of the men reaching out their hands to touch her soft skin. To bring her down to the dirt. I wouldn't allow it. I wanted to protect her from all the darkness, from all the lust filled eyes that was on her. Hell, i would of protected her from me if that was the case. 

Besides, I've done that all ready. I have this dark side inside of me, the side that wants to see her beg, the side that wants to make her feel pain. A pleasure mixed pain. And she wont be able to handle it..

"I swear to god, if anyone ever laid hands on you. On whats mine." My blood was boiling and i could feel her Bambi-like eyes looking up me. She didn't understand any of this, or why i was being so confusing. I barely understood it either, i just felt like i needed her in my life. 

Her head rested against my chest as i carried her to my car, i was gonna take care of her, i promised myself that. I gently stroked her hair before i leaned down to give her a soft kiss against her forehead. Then i put her down on the passenger side of my car. 

Every now and then i could feel her soft gaze looking at me, i never looked back. I tried to keep my focus and energy on the road, i gripped the steering wheel tighter and clenched my jaw. Not long after i could hear how her soft snores filled the air between us. 

Once we arrived, i tried to carry her out of the car without waking her up. She looked so oblivious, and i couldn't help myself from smiling and admire her beauty. I walked up the stairs, and into my apartment, with light steps to not wake her up. She tried to bury her face deeper into my chest and i let out a chuckle at her attempt. I tried to gently put her down under the covers in my bed, and my hands cupped her soft cheek before i walked to the other side of the bed. Her phone kept buzzing with tons of messages so i just turned it off for the moment. Of course i didn't want to wake her up, perhaps i was scared of her reaction once she find out i took her home. But i won't do anything she wouldn't like. Plus, i'm not into necrophilia. I quickly slipped out the white shirt i was wearing along with the slacks. My body slid under the covers, resting my arm under my head as i was looking up at the ceiling. My eyes turned to look at her face when i could feel her body craving for skin to skin contact. I wrapped one of my arms around her petite frame and let her nuzzle into my side. My smile was big and i didn't entirely hate this moment. Despite the previous moments. 

My hand and fingers was tangled inside her hair, slowly stroking the long locks out of her face as i kept admiring her subtle beauty. No one ever made me this interested before, my thoughts kept spinning around. I was trying to understand what was so special about this simple girl. I knew who she was. She simply was just a girl, that goes to the same school as me. From what I've noticed, she is one grade or two younger than me. But still, the way her long eyelashes looked at me that day when i approached her at the hardware store. My ego really enjoyed how she reacted to me, how her cheeks flushed into a bright red at every slight touch or remark from me. My smile grew even bigger when i thought back at every encounter I've had with her. I wondered if she ever felt the same, if she felt curious about me. I'm more than sure that she has heard the rumors about me. Everyone has for fuck's sake. Her body tried to squirm closer against me, still deep in sleep. I placed my arm under her waist, gently lifting her on-top of my chest. Her soft breathes against my skin really made me feel something completely different. Something i wasn't familiar with. And with that note, i promised myself that i would explain everything to her, tomorrow, after she wakes up. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off to sleep, to the sounds of her heartbeat beating against mine.

AN: It was fun to write from Jack's POV for a change, but is it something you guys want to continue reading? Maybe ill switch it up once in a while :)



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