~A e s t h e t i c~

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-Character Aesthetics-



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O l i v i a   S t a c y  ~

21 year old collage student, works part time at a hardware store. Has a small group of friends, and her favorite drink is coffee. She is considerate being the 'Good Girl' and has a heart made out of gold. She sees the good in people and wouldn't hurt a fly.

Recently lost her virginity to the well-known player in town and she has a curious nature, she has a habit of trying to fix people around her. The darkness can be very consuming.



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J a c k   M i c h e a l ' s  ~

23 year old collage student, doesn't work for the moment. He will eventually take over his dad's old job, when he is ready. His favorite drink is whisky and he has a dominant side. People see him as intimidating and he is not afraid to fight. He is the 'trouble-maker' and 'bad boy player' in normal peoples eyes. 

Jack's new found interest is in Olivia, feels the need to protect and own her in a way only Jack understands. 

AN: Hii, I made a character aesthetic for the main characters :) Its just a little help to set the mood and to have a look at what the characters 'feels' like lol. 

(And I just updated the Aesthetic for both characters, so comments might look a little weird :D )

What do yall think? Does it represent the vibe you readers have caught while reading this story? 

We have reached past the 1000 views :D thank you all so much and a new chapter will be up shortly.


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