~Chapter 3~

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|Olivia     Stacy|

I rubbed my eyes as i woke up, letting out a big yawn. I thought to myself that this night was probably the first night in a long time that i slept good. It took a few seconds for my eyes to settle in and adjust to the brightness, but it didn't take long for me to realize where my head was. Or rather who my head was on. My eyes shot up in surprise as i slowly made my way up to look into jack's eyes, phew, he was still asleep. I blushed at the thought of sleeping on his chest. Jacks chest. I held my breath as i slowly made my way out of his grip, always looked back to check that he was still sleeping. 

I tiptoed out of bed and tried to pick up my now, dried, clothes off the floor. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and held my clothes in my hand. Just as i was about to walk out through  the bedroom door, a sleepy, husky, low voice spoke, startled me to death.

"Leaving so soon darlin'?"  His voice filled up the quiet room and sent shivers down my spine. I froze in the spot i was standing in, not daring to look back at him. I stood there completely still, i didn't even dare to breath. Hoping that this would make me, somehow, invincible. I could hear him getting out of the bed, the same bed we both had been sleeping on. His strong footsteps made my heart beat faster. He took slow steps, like a predator stalking its prey, and there i stood. almost waiting to feel his touch. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, i could feel his warmth from behind me, his hot breath blowing against my neck. What do i do?  My plan was to quietly sneak out and make my way home, stopping by the store of course. His light fingertips started to trace up my hand, all the way up to the crook of my neck. My breath hitched as i tilted my head to the side automatically, allowing him to have free access to the sensitive skin on my neck. He lowered himself down and moved a strand of my hair out of the way. He stood there admiring how i reacted to his power

"Good girl.." he murmured into my ear, making me bite my lower lip in anticipation. He grabbed my hands and gently pulled them behind my back, letting him have control over my body. I swallowed hard as i kept on staring into the hallway. 

His lips touched the burning skin on the side of my neck, just gently brushed against it. He left small, soft kisses against the skin, making me let out a soft, quiet, suppressed moan. My cheeks turned into a bright red at the sound i just let out, and i could feel how Jack tensed up. His grip on my wrists got tighter, almost to the point of hurting, but the weird thing was that it didn't hurt, instead i could feel how my arousal was building up. He took another step forward, making my back pressed up against his chest. He lifted both my hands in his grip, pinning my wrists against the wall besides us, as he was pressing himself behind me. My breathing started speed up as my mind was flooded with Jack.

He left slow kisses down my neck, making me let out small, quiet moans at every slight touch. He spread my legs apart with his one knee, and slowly pushed his hips slightly harder against my ass, just his boxers and the oversize t-shirt holding us back. I knew that with my hands held up, the shirt was barely covering anything at this point. His breath was ragged and deep, he leaned his head down against my hair, and took a deep breath before releasing my wrists ever so slightly. I let out a shaky breath i didn't know i was holding, at the tiny space between us, i couldn't even think straight at this point. I have never done anything like this before. hell, i haven't even had my first boyfriend yet.

I could feel his chest rapidly raising up and down against my back. He leaned in closer and left a soft but slow kiss against the side of my cheek, but before i knew it he released me fully, and walked away. I flinched at the sound of the front door closing with a bang. I kept still, standing there. Aroused, against the wall. I didn't move for a while, but as i caught my breath and finally realized what had happen minutes earlier. I panicked. 

I have never gotten ready and dressed so quickly as i did there. I was scared that Jack would return. But on the other hand why was i scared? I blushed at the thought of his lips against my neck, and his tight grip around my wrists. I felt so helpless, and i loved his dominating power. I liked the beast he is suppressing, almost afraid that it will scare me away? perhaps that's why he ran away. I shook the thought of Jack away and made my way out of the front door. I practically ran all the way to the store i worked in, picked up my keys and kept on walking home.

I let out a loud sigh as i let my shoulders drop, as i fall onto the bed. God it feels  good to be home.

A few hours had passed and my stomach was growling with hunger. I didn't have time to eat breakfast since our little session earlier. I made my way to the fridge to find something to eat, and i quickly made something up to still my hunger.

I jumped and almost got a heart attack when my phone started ringing, i was surprised it still had battery since i didn't have a charger with me last night. 

Sydney is calling

I smiled at the screen and quickly answered the phone, i put the phone between my ear and shoulder as i continued to eat my food.

"heyyy girlie, how are you?" Sydney said with an excited high pitched voice. I giggled softly at her energy and answered her with the same one back.

"Hii hottiee, im good what 'bout you?" my voice was filled with energy and happiness and i couldn't wait to see her again. We had known each other forever it felt. We met when we was just kids, and she has stuck by my side ever since, and i couldn't be more thankful for her.

We talked for hours and i couldn't keep myself for spilling the tea with Mr. hottie earlier. I told her all about how we met and what had happen two days later. She kept telling me it was faith and she was sure that cupid had made me forgot those keys that night. I could almost hear how her jaw dropped when i told her about that 'almost' make-out session had left me feeling hot and bothered. She cursed me out when i finally told her that i wouldn't see him again, and i would throw him out of my mind. She thought i was acting crazy since the hottest dude had let me spend the night. But i reminded her of who he was, the ultimate player, and i refused to be toyed with. I don't wanna share my first kiss with someone who wont remember me the next day. 

● ● ●

The days passed on and soon it was almost two weeks ago since my dreamy night  with Jack. We haven't had contact ever since, he never got my number and vice versa. But this is what i wanted, or what i kept on telling myself. I needed to focus on school and work, and now the spring break was over, and i was back in school. I had my life planned out and besides, if i was going to jump into a relationship, it sure as hell wouldn't be with the bad boy. No matter how he made me feel. I've read enough books about bad boys to know that they will always break your heart or bring you down for the worse. I made up my mind and I was going to stand strong, plus its not like i would see him again?

AN: hihi the very first 'hot' scene i wrote here. Well don't be afraid to tell me your opinions, and i appreciate that you have read so far :) thank youuu


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