~Chapter 7~

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|Olivia     Stacy|

I opened my eyelids as an awful headache started to creep up, becoming more and more viscous, I tried to remember what exactly had happen yesterday, and why my whole body was sore. When my eyes had settled in, i found myself alone, in Jack's bed. My heart stopped beating for a moment as i tried to recall yesterdays actions. What did i do? Did i really go home with him? stupid, stupid Liv..

I glanced over the big bedroom, but soon finding out that i'm alone, for now. I let out a deep breath and quickly lifted the covers up in the air, peeking to see if i still had clothes on. As soon as i put the covers back down, nodding to myself that everything seemed fine, his mischievous grin was directed towards me, as he leaned against the door frame. 

"Looking for something, princess?" His gold eyes looked even prettier with the rays of sunlight shining right through them. I bit down on my lower lip while clutching my hands harder against the fluffy covers, making sure i'm covered.

"Did- did we..?" I held my breath, while waiting for his answer, i really hope i wasn't that drunk last night. 

"Did we what, princess?" His pet name was taunting me as he kept playing on my anxious feelings. His lips curled up into a deeper more devilish grin as he stared right through me. He knew exactly what i meant. 

"Don't play dumb Jack." My voice started to lose patience as my nerves was building up. I really couldn't handle his cockiness at the moment.

"Oh trust me, this was new to me too you know" His eyes soften up a bit as he took a step closer to the bed. With that note, he sat on the bed, looking down onto his knees.

I tilted my head, looking at him with confusion written all over my face. Was Jack too stunned to speak? 

"So we just slept then..?" I asked once again, mostly to reassure myself that i didn't make things up.

I eyed him up and down, before reaching out my hand, unsure whether if i should touch him or not. Just as i was about to pull my hand back, his quick reflexes startled me, as he turned around in a heartbeat, grasping onto my wrist while looking at me. I gasped at his sudden action and tried to understand the emotions that was sprawled out on his features. He looked torn apart. His eyes traveled from my face down to the wrist he was squeezing unconsciously. It didn't take long before i could feel the tension lifting away, as he released his tight grip on me. His eyes held an emotion, that looked like guilt? I didn't have time to think about my next move, when my body started to crawl on the bed, towards him. I stopped and sat down behind him, leaning my head against his shoulder, and slowly stroking my fingers across his back, trying to ease his tensed muscles. 

"Jack.. Whats wrong?" I let my voice come out as soft and quiet, not trying to push him into anything he wouldn't feel comfortable with. This side of Jack, i couldn't even imagine to see. Let along being the one trying to comfort him, wanting to comfort him. A feeling started to build inside me, twisting my stomach around. I really didn't like this. 

He turned his head around, trying to give me a reassuring smile, a half-hearted smile. His deep brown honey eyes looked so deep in thought. He reached his hands to cup the side of my cheek. My eyes closed and leaned into his soft touch. I didn't know this man, yet i craved for his simple touch like a heroin addict craves for his 'one last' shot. This godly sculpted man, this dangerous man was holding every string at this very moment. 

"Liv.. We can't keep doing this to each other.." His voice broke the deep silence between us, but it sounded like a battle between his heart and mind. I feared that would be the words that left his lips.

I didn't answer his fragile voice, i knew i couldn't. Instead i just nuzzled my face deeper into his shoulder, craving more of his scent and presence. It was almost mind-blowing how calming it was despite the burden filled words that was between us.

"Please.." My voice was barely above a whisper and muffled sounds escaped my trembling lips, leaving soft kisses against his 'fire-like' skin.

He took a hold of my thighs, digging his fingers deep as he lifted me on-top of his lap, making me straddle him. I let out a giggle as i brushed away some strands of hair out of his face while admiring his facial expressions.

"You drive me mad" His words set my body and mind on fire, making my cheeks flush a light red color as i kept gazing into his golden honey eyes.

he took a deep ragged breath before leaning his forehead against mine, gazing into my eyes with an expression i couldn't understand.

"You're an innocent, pretty flower.. And i'm an uncontrollable outrageous wild-fire.." He stated with his husky tone, making me even more intrigued. I just simply stayed quiet as i watched how his manly features took in every second of this moment. This one true moment we shared.

"Liv.. I'm fucked up, in more ways you could even think of-" his voice sounded so broken and harsh, even though i know he just wanted to let me know what i have gotten myself into.

"I don't care" I let this new found confidence lead the way, i was now determined of what i wanted. I made up my mind that i would at least try, to see where things would lead us. Jack was usually the one who pushed us forward.. Well, more like teased and ego boosted himself

He looked at me, a slight shock was written on his face as that familiar devilish grin appeared on his soft-looking lips.

"So you want to dance with the devil, princess?" His grin turned into something a little more sinister, his soft gaze was turned into a lust-filled predators eyes. His remark sparked something up inside of me. I wanted him, in all wicked ways he could think of.

"Please.. Show me" My soft low voice brushed against his ear as i arched my back gently, making me press my chest up against his flexed and toned muscles. He slowly let his hand travel up my body, feeling every curve and sending butterflies to my stomach, before harshly taking a hold of my hair in his fist, forcing me to look up into his deep, dangerous eyes.

"Choose a word" He spat out with gritted teeth as he admired how i let things play out like he wanted to. 

I looked up at him with big eyes, as i crooked my eyebrow, not knowing what he meant. He took his other hand and gently brushed his thumb across my lips, teasing me ever so slightly.

"A word you will use when you cant handle it anymore" His lips curled up into his wicked grin, letting his dominating side truly come out. I could see how he enjoyed this, letting his poison intoxicate my senses. 

"Feather" I said without any hesitation as i batted my long eyelashes, trying to look so oblivious as i can, but i couldn't stop myself from smiling. The irony..

"The things i will do to you.. Are nothing feather-like" His deep, ragged voice spoke right into my soul, letting lose a shiver that shot goosebumps all over my body. He looked like he had been waiting to let lose his mad side.

And i wont stop him, after all. He was an uncontrollable wild-fire, ready to burn my innocent flower pedals down to the ground.

AN: Thank you for reading this far, if you enjoyed this chapter, give it a vote. :)


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