~Chapter 23~

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|Olivia    Stacy|

I looked at myself in the dirty mirror in front of me with a confused expression. What am I doing? I slowly let my gaze wander down to my hands, as the red boxing gloves were giving me a headache with it's overwhelming color. I'm going to embarrass myself so much i'll need a whole new identity.

I don't know anything about this crap.

And.. besides. I kinda expected to be alone with Jack. Not his whole stupid 'secret agent fighting' squad of friends, to judge my every rocky move. I sighed deeply as I adjusted my sports bra one last time before making it out to the opened spaced floor which got my heart pumping faster by every step I took.

I followed the sounds of people and soon laid my eyes on everyone in their different corner. Someone were doing jumping jacks with ease and such force it almost looked like he might take off. I spotted another guy talking to the girls doing squats in the corner. Real smooth I thought, as my eyebrows rose up in a not so shocked expression, unwillingly. Could be worse I guess?..

But after some minutes searching for the guy, who just an hour ago made me scream from the top of my lungs inside his car, I finally found him. Wrestling another dude on the ground? And what comes with no surprise, he locked his eyes with mine and gave me a cocky grin, I couldn't help but to raise my eyebrows at him, wondering what he's doing. By my surprise, his eyes looked like they said 'Winning' in the most egocentric voice. Just one second after his confident smile, he twirled his arm around the other guy's neck as he locked his legs around his waist, pinning him to the ground with no escape. It didn't pass many seconds at all before the guy started tapping his hand against the ground. And with that note Jack let his deadly grip go in a instant.

The guy continued to lay on the ground as he were gasping for air while coughing hysterically. Jack quickly and smoothly got up and reached his opened hand out in front of the other guy, and a small smile formed on both of their faces as the guy soon collided his hand in Jack's palm. And with the sound of skin to skin contact, he accepted his help to get back up.

I leaned against the wall beside me, as I crossed my arms while admiring the playfulness in their friendship. I enjoyed seeing him 'be' with other friends, makes me feel much closer to him in a strange way. I felt like I was watching a movie, and this would be the scene where the bromance really got it's time to shine and grow.

Jack quickly jogged towards me and pulled my hands into his as he started dragging me over to the place he just defeated his friend on the ground. Once I got closer, the other guy quickly corrected his posture then dusted off his hands and clothes before reaching out his hand for me. I tilted my head slightly and gave him a polite smile before I removed my hands from the boxing gloves and tossed them to the side, then I finally placed my hand in his, already expecting him to just shake my hand in return.

But no, instead he slightly bent his upper body down, still locking his kind and sweet eyes with mine, as he slowly placed a soft kiss against the back of my hand. I raised one eyebrow up at his ridiculous and unnecessary action.

But little did I know, the tension just grew thicker.

"I'm Lorenzo by the way, It's a pleasure to meet you.. uh..?" His flirtatious voice had a deep tone of huskiness and charm as confusion slowly rose up on his features.

"Olivia. But you can call me Liv" I said with a polite smile and a nervous chuckle. I could feel Jack's fingers grasping around my waist, digging his presence into my skin. I could sense how Jack was tensing up, trying to control his emotions. When I looked at Enzo's face, I knew he could see Jack's reaction to our little encounter. And frankly, I think I almost spotted a glint in his eyes.

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