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7. dupatta sambhal ke (be careful of your dupatta)


Is it healthy?

To be constantly staring at your phone?

If it was alive, the poor thing would have already issued a restraining order against me.

I sighed, resting my cheek on my stretched arm over the working desk. My phone lay quiet beside me. I wish it could vibrate. I wish she calls me again. She hadn't called me since that night. It's been two days now. forty-eight hours. That's a long and painful wait.

Ugh, whatever.

It's not that I'm desperate.

Turning my head away, I stared blankly at the wall.

My phone chimed with a notification and I scrambled to sit straight, falling off my chair because I'm clumsy as fuck. My elbow hit the floor first. I spewed out a series of curses, rubbing my poor bone while I got up.

"Gah, not so desperate now, Adi, huh," I mocked myself, settling back on the chair that was an accomplice of my clumsy trait. Picking up my phone, I quickly unlocked it. My rising smile fell when I read the message.

AD-KENCLG: Dear U are selected for the W0rk from Home j0b offer. receive your daily salary 9000 . Detail: Ken Degree College

I scoffed audibly.

"No, thanks. I already have a job." I blocked the ID and leaned back on my chair with a troubled sigh. "Seriously, are you not going to call me!?" I shook my phone harshly. "Just call me!"

Ugh, this is so frustrating.

I threw the phone on the bed, breathing through my mouth as I crossed my arms on my chest and stared outside the window. A few minutes later, Tweety flew up to me and sat on the rim of my pen holder. It was my favourite cup from college. Because Mom had accidentally broken it while washing, I fixed it the best I could using hot glue and began using it as my pen holder.

"Hi, Tweety," I greeted. "It's late in the evening. I thought birds go to sleep early."

She chirped back, twisting her head to pick at her feathers.

I sighed. "You tell me, Tweety," I started sternly. She turned her head, her black beady eyes focused on me. "Is it necessary that always a man should take the first step?"

She chirped.

"I know right. There's no rule book for a romantic relationship. A woman can make advances. She can call first-" I halted abruptly.


She did call me first.

I pushed my chair back, crawling on my bed to grab the phone. Just as I unlocked it, the call log screen opened up. I scrolled down until I reached her number. My thumb hovered over her name in contemplation.

Should I really call her? There's only one way to decide that!

I left my room and headed towards the in-house temple we have. "Excuse me, Kanha Ji, can I take one flower?" I asked, already leaning in to borrow a rose. "Thank you. I'll bring you one next time." I whispered and rushed back to my room.

Should I?

I plucked out a petal.

Should I not?

I plucked out another.

This continued for a while. By the time I reached the end, I had made my decision.

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