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13. Pehle aap. Nahi, pehle aap. (Go ahead. No, you first.)


"Don't get us wrong. We are by no means trying to rush you both into this. But I think after getting you engaged, it'll be a lot easier to handle the relatives on both sides. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

Priya and I nodded.

"Talk to each other if you need, take your time. We've two more days in hand. And let us know the decision." He added softly, leaning in to pat my knee.

"Yeah, and it's not that you're getting married right away," her uncle spoke up. "Engagement will just shut the mouths a lot faster than explanations will ever do."

I looked at Priya for an answer. I had no problem getting engaged earlier. But if she needs time, I'm willing to wait. Relatives could be damned.

"Should we talk first?" She met my eyes meekly.

"Sure," I mumbled and got up, waiting for her to take the lead. My father nodded at me in affirmation, telling us to take our time. Priya and I left the living room to sit on the swing situated on the verandah. I had to walk slowly behind her since she was still walking with a limp. She sat first, scooting to the far left to make space for me. I settled beside her, an awkward silence prevailing between us. "Sup?" Good start, Adi. Who says that anymore!?

She pressed on her toes, swinging us back and forth. "Do you like, not think this is too fast?" She asked softly, not meeting my eyes anymore.

"I don't know. I've never done the dating or relationship thing before." I answered honestly.

"Neither did I,"

"So, you want to wait? Anything is fine with me." I made myself clear.

"If we get engaged this week, then are we getting married in the same month? Before the new year?" She questioned.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm as clueless as you are." I smiled awkwardly. "Should I ask dad about it?"

"No," she shook her head instantly. "I just- will it bother you?"

"Bother me what?" I frowned.

"Getting married so quickly," she elaborated stiffly.

"Does it bother you?"

She turned her head to meet my eyes. "I asked you first,"

"But I need the answer first," I emphasized. "Will it bother you, Priya? If we do get married within this month?"

"I- I don't know," she whispered. "I mean- marrying you so quickly doesn't unsettle me as much as what comes after bothers me."

My lips parted in surprise. "You- You don't have to feel pressured or anything! Heck, even I'm not ready for it-"

"Wait wait wait!" She stopped the train of my words. "I'm talking about shifting to a new place, adjusting to a new environment, becoming a member of a new family. What are you on about?"

I snapped my head away, hiding the blushing mess I was.

Oh my God!

She was talking about the changes in her life that'll come along with this marriage! Not the sex part! What the hell is wrong with me!? Why did my head straight go to the red zone!? I'm so embarrassed! Can the earth just split up and swallow me whole? Please.


I kept my head turned, not willing to meet her eyes anymore. If it was possible, I would have never shown my face to her ever again. But Goddamit I've got a crush on this woman, and I want to get married to her.

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