41 - Chapter Forty-One - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Demitri and I took the gun cases down to my SUV and put them all in the trunk, locking the doors before heading back upstairs. We both shared a look when we went over all the damage for a second time.

"You got any enemies?"

"None that I was aware of, but that was before my recent promotion."

"Right, you have to factor that in now, too. Whoever it was, it didn't take them long to find out where you lived."

"Yeah, no doubt. But also, in all the years I've been here, no one's broken in. Till now, so this is clearly related to mafia shit."

"Sounds like it. You might want to get some better protection for your place. Or put this shit in storage for the time being. I'm shocked you don't have top of the line protection."

"I've never had a need to. It's not like all this shit is worth much, maybe a few thousand, if they take the computers. As for the guns, those are worth a bit more, but they clearly missed them."

"What is your plan now?"

"I suppose I'm going to pull the bit of footage I have from some of the hidden shit in here, and after that, if this is mafia related. I'll take it up with Maddox. I have a pretty good feeling that this is related to the right hand that I had the run in with on Maddox's wedding."

"Ah yes, I'm sure that was embarrassing for that guy and I won't be surprised if he thought this was a safe way to get back at you."

Demitri and I waited around for my landlord to come to replace the door, and made sure it was properly locked again. A new key on my ring, before heading out. We had pulled out all the hidden cams and tucked them into a random fabric bag I had.

I was beyond annoyed. I wanted to pull the footage as soon as possible. Demitri was holding the side of the door as I sped through town. My chances of getting pulled over were pretty high, but I didn't care.

"Sasha, I would appreciate it if we made it to the complex in one piece."

"We will. I'm a skilful driver."

He checked his seat belt before relaxing back further into the seat. Clearly, he hadn't been in the car with Creed, Alexi, and Ryer when they decided they were above the law.

"Sasha, That's a cop right there."

I sighed, stomping on the breaks. Demitri relaxed a little once he was over the fact that I had slammed him into the seat. To be fair, I had done the same to myself. I was just being less dramatic about it.

Demitri was still being dramatic when we pulled into the complex. I was waiting for him to get out and kiss the ground.

"Where are we sticking the gun cases?" He asked, grabbing two of them.

"My office. Let me grab the bag and the other two cases, and I'll be right behind you."


I grabbed the bag and the two cases, setting one on the ground and slamming the trunk. Heading inside. Ryer was in my office doorway when I got down there. He had blood spatter on his cheek but wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.

"Busy day?" I said, setting the cases down and checking them all to make sure all the parts of the weapons were accounted for again. I did this every time I transported them. It was a habit I couldn't break.

"It was a little messy, but not so busy. How was your apartment?"

"A fucking mess. They broke a lot of my shit. But it's mostly worthless."

"Any clue about who did this?"

"That bag over there is full of cameras, and I intended to find out if the hunch I have is correct."

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