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A/n: This chapter written by (@eatmyputhyplz)

How was your day Mommy?" Peyton asked Josie as they all sat down at dinner.

"It was wonderful Peyton, how was yours day?" Josie says as she tossed around her salad

"It was fun, I went to gamestop and I got my first ever PlayStation and-"

"Did your aunts and uncle spoil you again?" Josie smiled over at her son

" was mister Landon.. Jessica's boyfriend" Andrea added

"First, How was your day? Second, who's Landon? And who's Jessica?" Josie asked Andrea

"My day was so good, I made a new friend, she's really pretty almost like mom, and she's so nice and she loves the same food as me, that's Jessica, she said her name was Jessica but I don't really know" Andrea frowns

"What do you mean you don't know?" Josie asked

"I finished mommy! Can I go pick out my pjs now?" Peyton pouts

"We have to call your grandparents first so they can wish you a good night." Josie assured. Josie then called up Stefan and Caroline.


"What the hell was that?" Landon scoffed as hope walked through the door. Hope took off her sweater and gave it to one of the staffs "I'm talking to you!" Landon followed hope all the way upstairs.

"I'm tired, I can't do this arguing right now" hope rolled her eyes as she continued her way upstairs. "You can't do this arguing? Are you fucking serious?" Landon asked as he kept following hope to her room.

Hope got to her room and shut the door before taking off her shoes "What's wrong Landon, what's the problem now?" Hope shook her head and threw her shoes over to the side.

"Not only were you bumping and grinding  on stage and in front of all those people but you were shouting out your ex? What the hell?" Landon scoffed

"First, I didn't know she would be there and plus it was only for the public" hope says as she started to get her clothing out

"What's up with you and her huh? She's coming here and acting like she's family and now you are doing this.. are you two getting back together?" Landon asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"When did she come here?" Hope asked completely ignoring Landon's question

"She came here to drop the twins off earlier, maybe that's their nanny, I don't know" Landon rolled his eyes

Hope brought her lips into a thin line. "We can talk about this later, I have to take a shower and you are killing my mood" hope took a towel and then walked into the bathroom.

Landon was furious. He didn't know what was going on but he wasn't liking it at all.


"Morning Mommy!" Andrea says as she hands Josie a cup of coffee. "Uncle mg said to give that to you" Andrea said

"Did you open the door for him?" Josie asked as she sat up

"I didn't open the door for him, he let himself in mommy" Andrea pouts. She didn't like the feeling of getting in trouble even if it was by anyone.

"YOU ARE DOG WATER! YOU ARE SO BAD KID!" Josie heard yelling. She turned to look at Andrea and Andrea just shrugged her shoulder before Josie decided to get up.

"PEYTON LUCAS MIKAELSON! WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" Josie asked as she walked into Peyton's room. She could see that Peyton had dust and pizza bites all over his room while his eyes focused on the game.

"You better have a good explanation for this Peyton!" Josie crosses her arms

Peyton looked over at a very angry Josie and then he looked back at his game.

"I'm sorry mommy, I was playing the game and it got intense" Peyton pouts before turning off the game.

"Just get this room clean and get ready for school" Josie says before she walked to the living room to see mg.

"Hey mg, what's up?" Josie asked

"I have amazing news, you have so much gigs and you might be the worlds 2nd favorite person" mg smiled excitedly

Josie smiled before pouting "What's the bad news?" Josie asked as she crossed her arms

"Well.. hopes back in town, and she wants to talk with you..and some news reporters also think you both have something going on" mg explain

Josie mouth dropped "I can't go to that thing on Saturday.. if Hopes back in town that means she will visit her family and I can't have her meeting the twins.. not yet" Josie panicked

"So that was mom?" Andrea asked

"What was Hope?" Josie raised her eyebrows as she turned to face Andrea.

"That girl that was at auntie Freya and auntie keelin house, she says she's not Hope mikaelson but she looks so much like mom.. and then you say she's here so.. that wasn't Jessica, that was mom!" Andrea put all the pieces together and smiled

"So you've met your mom?" Andrea nodded her head "and she met you? Does she know that you are her daughter?" Josie asked

"No, I didn't even know that was my mom.. I guessed it but I wasn't sure" Andrea pouts

Josie turned to face Andrea "don't ever tell her that you are her daughter.. okay?"

"Okay mommy" Andrea sighs before running off to her room.

"So, since they already seen Hope then you shouldn't have a problem with them going back over today while you-"

"Hell no, they aren't going anywhere near hope, Hope find out about the twins and you mind as well call it ends" Josie shook her head

"Think about it jo, you can trust Andrea when she tells you she won't say anything plus Hope is barely going to be there because she's talking with you remember? That way it would be hard time for her to come to conclusions that day and night are her kids" mg explains

Josie gave it some thought before agreeing to it "Okay.. but after school.. and I will have to call up Freya and ask her if they would watch them" Josie says

"I'll call them up for you" mg assured

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