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"Mom!" Andrea squealed as she ran up to the car that looked just like hopes.

"Mom?" Andrea asked as she opened the door. She then heard a voice calling her, as soon as she turned to see her brother she was pulling into the car and the car drove away.

Peyton watched with horror, he didn't know what to do at first until he ran back in the school. He couldn't find any adult so he thought he would take it upon himself, he grabbed his book bag and scooter and left out of the school.

He wasn't able to get far when he bumped into some boy. He looked up to see Joey "I can't talk right now Joey.. I have to save my sister" Peyton says as he tried to excuse himself

Joey raised his eyebrow he then took out his phone and dialed a number "I swear to you if you-"

"No! I want her back now!" Joey yelled through the phone as Peyton just raised his eyebrow. "I swear to god!.. I don't even care if you blame it on me! I will rather that then to let anything happen to her, she's my fucking niece for god sakes!" Joey hissed over the phone.

Joey lets the other persons answers before speaking again "I'll meet you there" Joey then hangs up

"What was that about ,Joey ?" Peyton asked as he tilted his head

"It's nothing you need to worry about, I just need you to stay with your mothers and don't ever go with anyone that claims to be a friend of the family, okay?"

"But Joey-"

"No peyton! I said you must not go with anyone, I have to protect you just as well as your sister, because you are family and I would never let anything happen to my sisters kids or my sisters at all." Joey says before walking over to get into the car.

He then drove off.


Hope was pacing around the room over and over and over again before she decided to sit down and take a chill pill.

How was she supposed to talk to Josie after what she basically admitted on national television?

Hope couldn't just talk with the brunette without bringing up the whole thing and then what? What will she say?

Hope didn't even know if she had feelings for the brunette girl herself, all she knew was that it was getting worse and worse by the minute and that she needed to let lose of her feelings.

Soon Hope phone started to ring, Hope hesitated to answer but her mind grew to over think and it led to her not answering it.

Josie then called her 2 more times and both times Hope didn't answer.

[3:12 Josie:] hope we really need to talk.

That was left of seen, Hope didn't know what that could mean and she sure as hell wasn't ready for the whole talk with Josie if she still hasn't even figured out if she likes Josie.

[3:20 Josie:] it's about the twins

Hope immediately hit the call button and called up Josie.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay? How are the twins?" Hope asked not letting Josie get a word out

"I.. Andreas missing.. Peyton says that someone took her and that Joey was going to get her but I don't know.. I don't even know if I trust Joey at all.. what if he's doing something to her?" Josie sniffled over the phone.

Hope shook her head as if Josie could see her "Joey isn't like that, he wouldn't have done anything like that" Hope assured

"Did you know that he's my brother?" Josie asked as she sniffled some more

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