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Hope was too much of a mess to even comprehend what Peyton just said but it sure as hell didn't slip her mind.

"Why don't you guys go in your rooms and I'll be there in a minute" Josie says as she turned over to the twins

"But mommy.. someone hurt Hope! They must be punished.. I say a long long time out" Peyton crossed his arms

"Don't worry boss man, it's going to be a long time out" Hope assured as she playfully rubbed through Peyton hair.

Peyton smiled before taking his sisters hand and running into their rooms.

"Tell me everything that happened" Josie says as she rubbed hope's back.

"I..l-Landon asked me to choose between him and-..him and you guys and I made a choice" Hope sniffled as she sat down on the couch.

"So who did you choose?" Josie as raised her eye grow as Hope glared at her.

Then realization hit her "ohh, right.. sorry" Josie says as she walks over to hope.

"It's going to be okay, he's stupid and he's a douche and I wish you could have realize that sooner, I sure as hell did" Josie says as she rubs her hands against her knees

"What do you mean you realized?" Hope asked

"I realized that he was a bad guy and I didn't think he was right for you.. I just didn't want to but in on your relationship so I didn't say it... besides you said you were going to make your relationship work." Josie explained

"When it comes to relationships.. I lack a lot" Hope admits as she looks over at Josie.

Josie scoots over a bit to Hope and put her arms around the auburn haired girl so that she can lean into her side.

"You don't lack anything when it comes to relationships and if you have to try hard to make a relationship work and it seems like you are putting in all the work then the relationship is not for you" Josie muttered

Hope leaned back to look at Josie "I'm sorry for the whole shade thing earlier" Hope apologizes

Josie nods her head "it's fine, I kinda deserved it"

"You don't deserve anything like that, I was being a totally idiot " Hope says

Josie let out a soft chuckle "maybe just a little bit of a Idiot"

Hope chuckled before sighing "I think that I did the wrong thing 5 years ago" Hope muttered as she looked everywhere but Josie

"What do you mean?" Josie brought her lip into a thin line

"I.. I just think that maybe.. maybe I shouldn't have let you go when I did.. that way the kids would know me more and I wouldn't have dated an idiot like Landon" Hope ran her fingers through her hair

"I'm glad you left.. we wouldn't be here if you haven't.. besides, I think we are doing wonderful jobs as co-parents anyways" Josie tried comforting Hope

Andrea and Peyton ran into the room with their largest stuffed animals.

"Here Hope, this is mr.cuddles, grandma gave me that one" Peyton says as he hands Hope a brown teddy bear "it always makes me feel better"

"And this is Hope.. named after you.. when mommy told us about you.. I wanted you here with me everyday.. so I named my favorite teddy after you" Andrea says as she hands Hope a big white teddy bear with brown spots.

Hope smiled at her kids as she took the teddy bears slowly "you guys are wonderful" Hope muttered as she looked down at the teddy bears.

Peyton and Andrea looked at each other and smiled "so hope, who messed with you?.. I'll like to have a little chat" Peyton says as he patted his palms and fist together

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