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A/n: this chapter written by @hosievibesonly

"Hey uncle Mg, and mister Ethan" Peyton twirls around as he grows more excited than ever. He couldn't wait to get home, or shall I say to Freya and Keelin house. After overhearing about Hope (who was so called Jessica) being his mom, he couldn't wait to spend more time with the auburn haired girl. The twins love hope and they sure as hell know everything about her. Not that they shouldn't know but they mostly were always around Josie and Josie was practically obsessed with the hope. Well that was one period of time. Josie is No longer obsessed with the girl because she has gotten over her after all those years of pining and whining.

"Hey Night, where is your sister?" Ethan asks as he turns over to look at the 5 year old boy. Peyton bit his tiny bottom lip and smiled before frowning "I don't know, I haven't seen her all day" Peyton admits. This was more than strange for the dark auburn haired boy. Peyton and Andrea went everywhere together, that's what made them 'Day and Night'.

"I will call up Ms. Sowande and I'll ask her if she has seen Andrea, surely your sister is with her, if not we will call in the best people we know to make sure that your sister is safe and sound" Ethan assures the 5 year old. Peyton nods and looks down at his pants. He was sure he had peed himself by now but he didn't. He let out a sigh of relief and frustration.

"I need you to make sure my sister is safe or you will be hearing from me mister Ethan!" Peyton pouts as he crosses his arms. As the big brother and only boy in the house, Peyton felt it was his duty to protect his sister, mommy and even so his mom, hope.

Ethan hurried up and took out his phone and called up Cleo. Of course he was scared of the mikaelson boy, for obvious reasons, one not only was he a mikaelson but both of his mothers had some serious power over them. "Ouch" Peyton holds onto his tummy.

"What's wrong?" Mg asks as he bent down to meet eye level with peyton. "My tummy hurts uncle mg, I think.. I think Andreas hurt" Peyton admits. Mg looks up at Ethan who was already staring at him "why do you think that?" Mg asked

Peyton took a deep breath "becauses she's crying.. I can feel it, it's like a twin thing" Peyton says as he looked up at mg.

"I'll go look for her-"

"I think I know where she is," Peyton says before running off. The dark auburn haired boy always knew where his sister was when it came down to stuff like this. It just took him a little more time to process it seeing as he was only 5 years old.

Hope walked in the school, she promised mg she would talk with him and she was bored at home so she thought it would be a good idea to meet mg at the school. "Hey mg" Hope smiled as she walked up to him.

Mg pouts before looking over at Hope "Now is not a good time" Mg admits as he runs off trying to find Peyton and Andrea.

Hope turned to face Ethan "what's going on with him?" Hope asked as Ethan grew more tense then he was when hope walked in. "I have no idea what you are talking about" Ethan says suspiciously

Hope shook her head, she already had to deal with landon's drama the morning of, and she wasn't about to deal with Ethans when she was in a happy mood. "I'm going to look around, see if the school still looks the same as it was when we used to go here" Hope says as Ethan just nodded before running away.

Hope shook her head before walking over to the trophies that the school has won. She smiled when she saw her name. She then frowned when she saw Josie's name for having the most collected badges in 6th grade summer camp, and spelling bee. Josie was always that smart and so was hope, hope just chose to show it differently. "Don't tell me you missed me that much that you had to come see me" Hope heard a voice, Hope smiled before turning around. "Daniela?" Hope asked before she walked over to hug the girl.

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