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A/n: chapter written by eatmyputhyplz

"Okay girly, what song do you want to play first?" Hope asked as she turned the living room tv on.

Andrea shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know hope, any song that you want to play, as long as you can play arctic monkey please!" Andrea clapped her hands

"Yeah! I like arctic monkey too!" Peyton says as he clapped along with Andrea

"Okay, well.. it's still only 10, maybe we should put on a little play for all your teddy bears?" Hope asked

"And my dinosaurs! And toy cars!" Peyton says excitedly

"Yup, whatever you want boss man!" Hope bit her bottom lip as she a smile still planted on her face

Both twins ran to their rooms and got all their toys as Hope set up the covers and 'stage' for their little play.


"So, how's life been without ms.pop star?" Jade asked Josie

"You mean Hope?" Josie asked and jade just nodded.

"It's been a little stressful, I kind of missed her" Josie admits

"Oh.. boring, anyways, we should totally check out this game right here, I heard if I win I get a prize." Jade smirked

Josie nodded "okay" Josie says

They walked up to the machine and jade started to play. "Which prize should I get doll face?" Jade asked

Josie pointed to a teddy bear that looked similar to the one Hope had won for her back in highschool. She didn't mean everything to be about Hope but everything Josie did with 'someone else' she has always did it first with Hope.

"Bet" Jade says before turning back over to the game and starting to play the game.


It was about an hour later and jade still hadn't won.

"I have kids that I have to go back home to and this whole date you spent was focused on you playing this game" Josie groaned

"One more shot" jade says as soon as she releases the ring she makes the shot winning the teddy bear.

"I DID IT!" Jade cheered as Josie clapped for her.

"That's wonderful jade" Josie says

The guy gave jade the teddy bear and jade handed it to Josie. "Hold this for me" jade says to Josie

Josie raised her eyebrow, what did she mean hold it for her?

Jade took out her phone and started the video. "I just won this awesome teddy bear for myself! Hashtag independent goals!" Jade says before she stopped recording.

Josie scoffed "you won this for you?"

"Yeah, why else would you think I was playing so hard?" Jade shook her head

"So what was your point for asking me which prize to win?" Josie asked

"I don't know" jade smirked

Josie threw the teddy bear on the floor and walked off.

'You have to be fucking kidding me' Josie thought to herself


"I'LL WALK!" Josie yelled

*** why you only call me when you're high- Arctic monkey.

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