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Hope got up from the bed and her mind was pumping and pumping. Hope could barley remember the night before. Before Hope could really get her thoughts together the door bell rung. Hope rubbed her eyes as she walked toward the stairs.

Hope finally reached the door and she opened the door. "MOM!" The twins practically yelled as they jumped onto Hope.

"Shhh" Hope said as Hope brought them in for a hug.

Josiah stepped up to the door and put the twins bag to the side. "I hope you guys enjoy your time, together," Josiah grinned

Hope blushed at the thought that had finally just crossed her mind. She had forgot all about what happened the night before but when she really think about it.. both Hope and Josie have a lot to talk about. "Thank you for taking care of the twins, I hope they weren't a problem."

"the twins weren't a problem at all, they are actually the most amazing little humans that I ever met" Josiah smiled

Hope smiled down at the kids before they ran off and into their rooms. "You should probably check your social medias, there may have been something with the whole thing about last night and a lot of people are assuming you and my sister are dating" Josiah explained

Hope pinched the bridge of her nose "I will get to it after I make sure Andrea and Peyton get the proper food instead of snacks because by the look on Peyton's face I know he had some sugar this morning" Hope crossed her arms as josiah rolled his eyes.

"I have to go, but I hope to see you later and soon" Josiah says before walking away from the door.

Hope shut the door and ran her fingers through her hair. She then walked over to the kitchen and made some cereal for the kids because she wasn't in the right mind state to make them some real breakfast.

Peyton ran into the kitchen as he grew super hyped. "Hey mom! Wanna see a cool trick I've learned?" Peyton asked as he twirled around. Hope turned around to face him.

"What is it that you have to show me boss man?" Hope asked as she gave him all his attention

He did some silly dance causing both him and Hope to giggle. Andrea ran into the kitchen and joined the party along with them.


After they got done eating Hope had set the kids tv up for them to watch it. She then cleaned up the kitchen and everything while Josie was asleep.

When the kids were down for a nap Hope made her way back to Josie's room and she smiled when she didn't see Josie in her bed. "Someone's up" Hope says before Josie walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey hope" Josie says in a little nervous tone as she made her way over to her dresser.

Hope chewed on her bottom lip " I cleaned up the kitchen and the kids are down for a nap, I'm pretty sure they didn't get any sleep last night, when they wake up I will give them a bath and then I planned on taking them over to Josiah's for a little fun time and they should get tired and then we can have a little time of our own" Hope smirked as Josie eyes widen at the last part of hope's sentence.

"You.. you want to spend time with me?" Josie asked out of confusion, she didn't think the auburn haired girl would have wanted to do anything else, she was even sure that the girl wanted nothing to do with her.

"Of course I do, I was also thinking maybe we should go out later on in the week." Hope assured as she made her way over to Josie.

Josie raised her eyebrow. "What's going on? Are you just suddenly okay with us being a thing or.."

Hope smiled "I want us to be a thing, the only problem is that I need to know if you want to be a thing" Hope admits as she looks down at her fingers nervously

Josie face heated before walking over to Hope. "I...I'm really sorry" Josie started before she turned away from Hope.

Hope chewed on her bottom lip.

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't tell you sooner but I would really like to make things work with you and I" Josie smiled as she turned back to look at Hope who eyes widen from the surprise.

"Really?" Hope asked as she took Josie's hands in hers.

Josie nodded before Hope cupped her face and she pulled her in for a kiss.


2 years later...

New reporter: I'm really sorry for this tragic death to you and the community, how do you feel about this?

Hope puts her shades down "no comment and no more questions, please" Hope says before the twins ran by her side.

New reporter: I can only imagine that with the lost that you've just experienced will come with a lot of new sad and emo music, do you plan on starting a new album to be released, what's your plans?

Hope scoffed and picked up Andrea as Peyton took her hand. Peyton eyes were clouded with tears. They were standing  next to an funeral home.

Soon Josiah walked up to the trio and picked up Peyton, "let's get out of here, so I can meet my sister down at the house" josiah assured

"I'm sure Lizzie can wait, it's bad enough she didn't even show up to the funeral." Hope rolled her eyes before they got into the car.

Camera trolled around the car before they finally were able to get away from the paparazzi.


They arrived at the house and the twins ran towards their rooms. Andrea was taking the lost pretty well as Peyton wasn't.

Kaleb, Cleo, Mg, Ethan, maya, Penelope, Lizzie and Jen had came over as well as maya and Penelope kid, Rosie. They all had came over to make sure everything was okay with hope and the twins, although Lizzie was hurting still she didn't really have a bond with her dad so it wasn't a big deal to her.

The door bell rung. Hope then walked over to open it up and it revealed Josie.

"Sorry it took me so long, I had traffic after the burial" Josie says before pecking Hope on the cheek.

"It's fine, I tried to make it seem as believable as I could but I'm pretty sure people think we killed him seeing as nobody didn't give a fuck except for Peyton" Hope admits.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cleo asked as she walked up to Josiah which caused Kaleb and Hope to raise their eyebrow.

Hope had been seeing Cleo and Josiah spend a lot of time lately she didn't know why.

Kaleb had some suspicions but he trusted Josiah. "I have to show you something" Hope says before pulling Josiah into the next room.

This left most of them confused but Hope was more concerned about Josiah "what the hell is wrong with you?" Hope asked as they stepped into the hallway.

"Nothing" Josiah says as he crossed his arms.

"Please don't tell me you are still falling for Cleo! Do you know how stupid and dangerous that is? And no more drama should be added to the family name seeing as Alaric is already dead and the case is still new. Imagine that and you in the news for you and Cleo homie hopping schemes" Hope said in a whisper

Josiah shook his head "what do you want from me?" He asked

"I wanted to ask which one you thought was better" Hope says before pulling out two 24 carrot diamond engagement rings.

Josiah eyes widened. "What?.. no way? You finally putting a ring on it?" Josiah asked in a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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