Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Happy one year anniversary to this story's original publication date. To anyone else besides me who actually cares about these characters and this story, thank you for your patience. Creating a universe is challenging.

But I am trying my best.

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~*March 1st, 2786*~

The double doors whooshed open, and Audrey walked toward a young woman who was sitting in a chair near a long black desk that had tiny white dots hovering over it.

"How we looking Yunseo?"

The young woman sitting in the chair glanced up at Audrey, her expression calm.

"Pretty good." Yunseo put her elbow on the table, and leaned her cheek against her hand. "As you can see on the Chronar, everyone is currently in transit."

Audrey leaned in closer to look at the white dots moving slowly across the desk.

"Wait. That's not everyone."

Yunseo looked back at the dots, dumbfounded.

"It's not?"

"No, there's only one, two..."

Audrey counted the rest of the numbers in her head.

"There's one group missing."

"Who would be dumb enough to muddle up their own time frame?"

Audrey and Yunseo exchanged a look before looking back at the Chronar.

Audrey sighed in disbelief.

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~*August 18th, 1969*~

Everyone gathered around Liam so they could hear the person on the other end of the phone speak.

"Hello, fellow traveler. You have until zero a.m. to complete this task. Failure to do so will result in a one day loss of your training period. Please press your thumb to your Jikanime Activator while your bike is in range, and once that's done, press the 'bike status' option and then 'travel' options. From there you will be guided to a menu that will give you two options. Please be sure to press the 'training day departure' option only, and nothing else. Afterwards, your bike will become activated for time travel. From there, you will be directed through several options, which all must be proceeded. Finally, you will see an option that says 'J-M-I training' which must be confirmed before the bike starts traveling. Please note, sanitary and clothing items will be prepared upon arrival, so bringing them is unnecessary, but if absolutely necessary, please bring as few items as possible that can fit on your person, or in a small bag securely put around your body. J-M-I will not be held responsible for any items that end up lost through the Space-Time Runway. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like a repeat of these instructions, please dial the '1' on your respective phone—"

Liam looked at the others.

"Should I dial '1' again?"

"No, we got the message the first ten times Jack asked us to listen to it," Cliff told him.

"Hey!" Jack remarked.

Liam smiled calmly at their banter, and glanced back at the wire attached to the rotary dial.

A faint, white light could be seen running through it.

He put the receiver back on the hook with a grin on his face.

With that, they all leaned up from the kitchen counter and looked at one another.

"Well?" Drew asked everyone.

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