Chapter 16

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Author's Note: What? A chapter uploaded on Halloween? Nice. It also makes a small part of this chapter so much funnier, because of the timing. And yes, I added this part of the author's note in before I uploaded this chapter, lol.

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~*September 1st, 1969*~

"At least they let us keep the helmets and goggles," Cliff said as he put the car into park.

He turned his head to look at Drew, who was looking out the window on the passenger's side, silently.

The sun was starting to go down, and they were parked outside of Fred and aunt Susie's home.

"How are you holding up, Drewy?"

"I'm fine."


He turned his head.

"Why wouldn't I be fine? We made it back home didn't we?"

"If that were true, you'd be running out that door to see Lisa, and your aunt and uncle."

"Don't start acting like a wise guy, Cliff."

"Since when do I need to pretend?"

Drew huffed, and turned his head toward the window again.

"Lisa's had to deal with her pregnancy for two weeks without me."

"Isn't that every woman's story since the history of forever?"

"You don't get it."

"What's there to get? Heaps of women go through this all the time, so it can't be that hard."

Drew turned his head again.

"What do you know about pregnant women?"

"I think I have a vague memory of my own mom being huge. Does that help?"

Drew shook his head and sighed.

"So you really don't get it."

"I could if you would explain it to me instead of saying all this unnecessary bullshit."

"Lisa was very sick before we left two weeks ago. The owners of the ice cream shop told me that most women get this thing called 'morning sickness,' but some women can get it at any time of day."

Drew inhaled and then exhaled.

"Cliff...I thought she was gonna die."

"No one ever died from puking, Drewy."

"I wouldn't bet on it, Cliff. I really thought she was gonna faint when she finally managed to leave the washroom. And then I just left her with Fred and aunt Susie, all alone. All so I could bum around god knows where for two weeks."

"Why are you acting like we didn't do a damn thing this whole time? I still have Audrey's nagging ringing in my—"

Drew turned the lock, and opened up the door on his side.


Drew got up and out before Cliff could stop him.

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Drew knocked rapidly on the door.

There was nothing but silence.

He tried again, more aggressive this time.

"Goodness me!" a voice said on the other side of the door.

The door opened, and he was greeted by his aunt Susie.

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