Chapter 20

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Author's note: ...

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~*June 28th, 2019*~

"So after I quit those lessons, my sister—"

Andre's phone rang.

"Shit. Hold on."

He got up from his chair and grabbed his active phone off his laptop desk.

"What? I'm in the middle of a live stream."

Andre listened to the other end of the call.

"Can't this wait until Sunday?"

Andre listened to the other person more.

"Dammit. Fine."

He lowered his phone to check the time, and it said "6:12" on the screen.

"I'm getting ready to leave now."

He hung up and placed the phone back on the desk.

Then he walked back in front of Isabel's old inactive phone that he used for live streams.

"Sorry, everyone. I've got thing. I'll be back again tomorrow."

He leaned toward the tripod and turned off the live stream.

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"I don't blame Andre for being upset. I was gonna go to a party tonight," Jared told Morgan through the phone on their two-way video chat with each other's phones.

"There's another issue with 'MOM' so I'm flying out there tomorrow to help my grandpa out."

"'Mom'? You're calling it that?"

"'Matter Over Morrow' was too long to say."

Jared laughed.

"That's good."


"Shit, man. Three directors, producers coming in and out. Have they at least been able to get a guy for the main character yet?"

Morgan raised both his eyebrows.

"You know somebody? Because Grandpa has rejected nearly everyone."

Jared shrugged.


"You called our leader right?"

"He wouldn't respond to my calls, so I just shot him a text. His ass better be wherever we end up, because these assignments are so much easier when he's in charge."

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~*August 15th, 2161*~

Theo made one final spin and ended the dance.

He looked at the crowd of dancers sitting on the floor who began clapping awkwardly.

He turned around and shook the hands of the two dancers who agreed to dance to the song.

"Thanks, mates. Appreciate it."

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Theo took a drink of water from his bottle.

"That was some fantastic dance moves there," a woman told him.

He looked up to find Melissa, a newcomer who had arrived only a month ago, grinning at him.

"You sure about that? 'Cause none of the others seem to think so."

"It was your black outfits. I expect most of them thought you lot had just come back from a funeral."

Jikanime MotoriWhere stories live. Discover now