Chapter 8

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Ross pushed James by side and went to his classroom. I acted like I just arrived and said: "Hey!" "Hi babe!" He said and gave me a kiss in my cheek. He acted like we were already a couple...we only had one date. I liked him very much though. "Was this Ross you were talking to?" I asked to see if he would lie. "Yes, he just told me something about yesterday's homework. And by the way how do you feel, I heart you were sick?" He was changing the subject again. "I'm good. But I thought you and Ross didn't come along that well...?" I asked.

"Well, it's not that we're best friends but we aren't enemies or something...or do you have a problem with us talking?" he asked curiously. "No, it just looked a bit weird, 'cause I've never seen you talking with him before."-"Whatever, let's just get to our class."

In the break I sat alone with Ross at our table. Maddy and Lucas probably were smooching somewhere on the schoolyard. "So what do you think about Maddy and Lucas?" I asked him to break the awkward silence. I think they are a really cute couple. Lucas used to tell me always how much he actually liked Maddy. And now they are a couple. I'm really happy for them."-"Me too. Urgh, my salad tastes discussing. I think the woman at the salad bar did way too much vinegar in it!" I said after I tried the salad. "Here take mine." Ross said and held his salad at me. "No, it's yours, you must be hungry too." I said rejecting the salad. "No, really it's fine. I'm not that hungry." "How about we share?" I asked. I mean he's one of my best friend we can share a salad. "Ok." He said and put the salad in the middle of the table.

When the salad was almost finished I saw James enter the cafeteria. When he saw me and Ross he came towards us.

"Hey!" I said to James. "Hi," he said lovely to me and then he greeted Ross while glaring at him and the salad. Ross didn't look him in the eye and just said a mumbled "hi".

"Ross, can I borrow Allie for a moment?" James said but more like a command. "Sure." Ross said and left me alone with James at our table.

"So I wanted to ask you something," he started "what do you think about a second date?" He said while smiling at me with that super handsome cute smile and I couldn't resist. "I would love that." I answered smiling back at him.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked. "Nothing in particular. I wanted to let you decide."

" about we go to the movies?"-"That sounds great" he said and then the bell rang. He took my hand and we went to our class.

When we enters the hallway I thought I saw Ross in the corner watching us...but I probably only imagined that.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. I didn't see Ross or James for the rest of the day and Maddy only talked about Lucas all the time.

When I got home I watched a bit TV and ate a lot of chips. I really should do more sport. I'm not one of those girls that say they're fat even though they're skinny but I felt a bit lazy and unhealthy.

After watching TV for 3 houres Maddy called and asked if I would like to go shopping tomorrow after School. I agreed of course, it has been so long since I've made something with her since she and Lucas are a couple. I missed her.

The next they in school was pretty normal too. In science I remembered that I and James totally forgot to set a date for our second date. When I saw him in the break I immediately ran to him. "Hello Sweetie." he said a bit surprised. "Hi, I just wanted to ask when we go on our second date...we didn't decide when we'd go."

"Oh. What about Friday?"

"Works for me" I said grinning. Then we spend the rest of the break together.

After School I and Maddy went to a new shopping mall near our school. It was really crowded. After two Hours shopping we ate something. "So how are things going with you and James?" She asked while ate her first piece of Pizza. "Well," I said "he asked me out on a second date." "Really? That's great!!" She said with her mouth full.

We talked a bit and then went home.

The rest of the day was pretty normal.

The next morning I woke up and saw that Ross send me a message it just said: "Wanna do something Friday night?"

I wanted to do something with him but I already had my date with James...but I decided to tell him at school.

At school I Looked for Ross. When I saw him he was talking to a girl. I think her name was Sky or something, she was in science with me. When I approached them she laughed.

"Ross I wanted to talk to you..." I said when he noticed me.

"Uhhh...sounds serious...I'm gonna go!" Sky said and looked at me arrogantly.

"Sorry she's sometimes a bit annoying.

So...why didn't you answer me?" He asked.

"Sorry. I read it this morning and thought I could tell you this at school as well. On Friday I have a date with James...but we can do something at Saturday maybe...?" I asked.

He looked a bit disappointed but said: „Sure. So what do we want to do???" "How about you just come over and we watch some movies?" I suggested. "Sounds great. When should I come?" he said smiling. "Maybe at 8?"-"okay." He said and we talked a bit.

Just before 1st class started I saw Maddy coming towards us and she looked like she just cried.

"What's wrong??" Ross and I asked at the same time.

"These girls..." She stared and then swallowed. "What did they do??" I asked now more worried.

"They're saying Lucas is cheating on me and that they have proof..." She said and started to cry again.


If there's still someone reading this, I hoped you liked it ;) I'm trying to update as fast as possible but I can't promise anything. So do you think Lucas is cheating on Maddy???

~Kim <3

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