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          Four Months later

Four months since Tong Yao retirement from her ballet career, four months since her revealment, four months since she arrived back in China, her homeland. Four months since she got back into playing Onmyoji Arena. It's been a long four months since Tong Yao has rank herself up to Lord Kyoto in the Korean Sever, four long months since the start of her mother's nagging to find a job and find a husband, four long months of argument between her, her mother and some of her family about her playing games for hours and barely placing her resume in any hiring jobs. Her father on the other hand is not too bothered about the decisions his daughter is making, knowing, and trusting that Tong Yao will make great decision for herself as she did before.

However, within four months multiple things have changed for Tong Yao. The former Prima Ballerina keeps contact with her best friend Trey and her other friends in the industry, she still uses her social media account under her English name uploading pictures and messages. All though, Tong Yao's long beautiful ebony hair has been chopped into a shoulder length hair, dying it into a golden colour, wanting to travel outside without having to cover up her face, she too changes her clothing style...a lot has changed for Tong Yao.

Smiling widely at the screen in front of her, smirking as the word 'VICTORY' screams at her mentally, Tang Yao opens her phone, her lollipop clicking against her teeth. The sound of cheers behind her sends shivers does her spine, it's been long since she heard loud cheers meant for her. Turning around slightly at the chair, she waves at the boys who was watching her match at the huge screen up above. The boy's reaction never failed to amuse her, clutching their friend, their heart as they scream in happiness whenever she greets them.

Hearing a knock against the glass door, her innocent eyes look at the person and smile seeing her best friend Jin Yang, plopping the lollipop into her mouth she gathers her stuff and quickly phased towards her best friend, following her outside.

"Wait up!" she calls, her legs catching up to her friend, "Why are you walking so fast and what's with the expression? You look like you and Ai Jia broke up,"

Jin Yang sighs and cross her arms, she looks away before answering, "I broke up with Ai Jia,"

"Again?" Tong Yao sighs deeply as her best friend glare at her, "But didn't you say you're going to plan for your future together like a month ago? How come you two broke up now?"

Jin Yang pouts and look down before harshly replying, "Playing all games, paying no attention to me, I'm not good enough for him," she complains before dropping her arms to her side, "Come on, I'm sad I need to go to shopping, come with me," she grabs the arm of Tong Yao and drags her along.

'I'm not helping you again Ai Jia, stay in the blacklist by yourself,' is Tong Yao's last thought whilst being drag by her friend to the shopping mall.


Seating on the chair waiting for her best friend to finish shopping, Tong Yao sighs and wonders her eyes around the bouquet. Elegant clothing, expensive clothing, is all what the bouquet has, although she had the money to buy it, she, herself isn't into spending loads of money for clothes...unless she really loves the clothe that is.

"Are you finished?" Tong Yao yawns as Jin Yang walks out of the fitting room, holding a bunch of dresses, which she gives to the worker along with her card.

Jin Yang gives her a pout and a glare, seating beside Tong Yao, "Were you bored with my complaining?"

Tong Yao faces her friend and hold her hands, nodding, "Yes, very much, very, very, much, because this happened few, six months ago too, when I was in University and you guys ended up getting back together anyway," she complains as Jin Yang harshly remove her hands from Tong Yao.

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