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(French and English)

Classical music starts, filling in the air of the theatre, bouncing around the walls until it goes through a specific person's ear. Tong Yao's lips never drops her smile, no matter how much her cheeks starts to hurt, she continuously looks at her team with proudness.

'Elegant as ever,' Tong Yao thought as the ballerinas' dances in sync.

Her eyes never leave anyone, looking over to each one of her teammates faces and smiling wider and wider each second. Tong Yao feels like she's back home, however the little mentor self of hers never left and instant frown when one of her best ballerinas easily caused a slightly mistake in her turns and lost her smile for a while. Concern builds up in her and she starts to fidget with her fingers, something she always does, Tong Yao is aware of the harsh media words that consume her teammates...almost everyone in her team is like that, weak and get the best of their negative emotions...especially her.

Lu Yue glances down at his childhood friend, hissing lightly as he focuses back on the stage before he silently and smoothly snakes his hand between her fingers and held them tightly, giving her small comforting squeezes from time to time. Tong Yao looks up to Lu Yue and smiles softly before focusing back on stage.

"It'll be okay," Lu Yue bends slightly and whispers softly, "They will never get influenced by the media's words," he looks at her and flashes her a comforting smile, "You taught them that,"

Tong Yao rolls her eyes and pushes Lu Yue's face away from her before answering, "How can I have taught them that when I'm the weakest and always get influenced by the media?"

"Well, you don't show it," Lu Yue says, giving her another comforting squeeze, "They saw you brush it off and stand tall, you're their role model, they won't crumble that fast, not when Monsieur Mérante and Trey are there to look out for them,"

Tong Yao laughs and shake her head, "You've finally matured Yueyue," she pats his hand with her spare hand. Both seats in silence quietly enjoying and watching the rest of the show.

Moments after their small conversation, Trey Richard dances elegantly leading the show and the dancers within his enchantment of sways and jumps. Tong Yao seats up properly, slightly leaning forward but never letting go of Lu Yue's comforting and brotherly hold, her eyes stay close to every movement of Trey as though she is a predator waiting to pound down its prey the moment it makes a slightest and most unnoticeable mistake...but she finds none and Tong Yao smiles widely, relaxing back in her seat.

Trey sighs in relief ending the hardest movement he's ever learnt. A movement that took him years to perfection, whilst it took some only few years. A movement he always finds beautiful and elegant but painful...a movement that made him took interest into ballet. He forces a smile and stops the welling tears in his eyes to, he cannot cry, not right now, not in front of everyone, not in front of the media...he has a show to finish, and he will cry later at the backstage.

Looking around the theatre, eyes wandering around the dark and silence room, the classical music tunes into a pleasant background music to his ears. Landing upon one very familiar smile and face in the audience, Trey nearly lost his balance, nearly, however he smiles and continues in with his routine. The pleasant music finally tunes out into the back of his mind, moving his body by muscle memory and not music. The audiences he uses to find scary with their judgemental eyes and fake sweet smiles disappears as the faces of his friends, proud smiles were the only thing he can see.

Doing the last movement, Trey ends the show the silent theatre suddenly bursting into loud claps. Closing his eyes, Trey breaths out heavily and smiling, chuckling slightly when he hears the loud cheers from his friends. He glances up and meets the eyes of Tong Yao who claps the loudest in the room for him and smiles the brightest, Trey chuckles when Tong Yao wipes her tears, and the smiling face turns into a smiling sob. Flashing her one last smile the curtains closes and soon Trey's on the ground with his team on top of him all of them crying and smiling.

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