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The second and third match ended, CK winning the trophy. Tong Yao bit her lips as she slouches at her seat, rolling her eyes when Jian Yang look at her with a smug smirk, whilst holding up the trophy cup, Jin Yang narrows her eyes and controls herself to not give two middle fingers to the captain of CK in front of everyone. Tong Yao feels guilty, feeling like she has something to do with Jian Yang's fierce playing in the second and third match. Had she not provoked him, would the champions be different?

Tong Yao looks over to the ZGDX, more specifically Yu Ming, guilt suddenly eating her up even more, the sad but expected look in the midsolo's eyes, reminds her about the offer. Should she accept? Or should she reject? Still being pull by two sides of the tides, Tong Yao looks back at CK, creating another eye contact with Jian Yang.

With the stage empty, Tong Yao and Jin Yang stand up, about to walk out of the venue when Yu Ming walks out, holding a mic. The former ballerina suddenly has déjà vu, remembering how she too, left after her team won the national ballerina competition. Frozen in her stop, she decides to pull Jin Yang back, Tong Yao knows what's about to happen, knows what's about to come, as much as she feels the heaviness in her chest, she cannot stop herself but want to hear his might be the reason why she either reject or accept the offer after all.

After looking everywhere, looking at his fans and his rivals' fans, Yu Ming brings the mic up to his mouth, "Today, I have to apologise to you all, some of you may already know from rumours going around the media that I...finally decided to say goodbye to this stage for the time being,"

Jin Yang looks at Tong Yao, as though she's trying to figure out something, but when her friend ignores her, she focuses back on the stage. All listens as Yu Ming talks about the start of his career, remembering his argument with his parents about the choice of career and how her left home to become a ZGDX member, telling everyone about his hardship and happy moments with his team, how they all went down and up together, how they were family.

"...I fought with my family, reaching for my dream, gave them the silent treatment, expect for one person," Yu Ming then chuckles slightly, "That one person is that actually made me realise want I want, inspired me to go after my dreams, my cousin," he's expression changes into a soft one, earning the hearts of everyone inside the venue, "She too received the disappointed and doubtful eyes, the arguments when she started to have a mind and mouth of her own, fighting our family for her dream to be a ballerina, she did reach that dream in the end, she was my pillar, and I was hers," he laughs at the memory.

Looking at the stage, Jin Yang reaches inside her pouch and hands her hand chief to the girls crying beside her, before turning to look at Tong Yao in worry, sensing that the former ballerina is too quiet and never taking her eyes off from the male standing in the middle of the stage, reaching over, Jin Yang places a hand on top of Tong Yao's and give it a comforting squeeze.

"As a result of my teammates and cousins who supported me, I was defined and oriented, at all times, throughout these honours and setbacks in my life...Unfortunately, I must renounce my dream today," he looks straight at the camera, looking sorry to the person he thought was in the other side of the world, sorry that he had to give up on his dream.

Standing up a bit straighter and gaining a bit more confidence Yu Ming spoke again, "As a result of my failure to win today's competition, it's time to let go of those persistent attitudes that may have only impacted me personally and to give way to the younger generations."

Teary eyes he looks around the venue, "Although I cannot make it, I know someone will be able to take my place on this stage and carry my dream forward, so I hope someone will make a decision soon," he forces a happy smile before speaking, "I hope that one day, when ZGDX gets the trophy, I'm still here, you guys" he chokes back a sobs, "as well,"

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