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(Italics with underline is French)

(Italic is English)

(Normal is Chinese)

The yellow dress is Tong Yao's but make it blue.

⚠️has some swearing, read with caution⚠️

Breathing in the air of Paris, Jin Yang stretches her arms and smiles widely missing the City of Love she uses to live whilst on holidays from her studies or just needing to get away from everything. Tong Yao stares at the hotel in front of them, Le Meurice, a place where she stayed at most of her life, most can say that the Hotel Palace is now her home rather than any actual home, moving closer to the entrance, a handsome Parisian 23-year-old male stops his conversation with some important people and rushes towards Tong Yao and Jin yang, grabbing the luggage of the two girls.

Soon enough, a few bell boys' rushes in, one grabbing the luggage that Pierre clutches and placing it on the gold luggage carts, quickly going to the VIP private elevator to the suite where Jin Yang and Tong Yao will be staying. The rest of the bell boys' rushes to the black cars park in the private underground parking lot and carry the rest of Tong Yao and Jin Yang's stuff.

"You are back quick Amora," Pierre Toussaint, the 23-year-old boy says, hugging Tong Yao first, placing a brotherly kiss on her cheeks before moving to Jin Yang who he also gives a brotherly kiss, "and you finally visited again Raelyn,"

Jin Yang laughs and side hug Pierre Toussaint with a pouty smile, "I miss you too Pier," Pierre rolls his eyes at the nickname and pushes Jin Yang away by placing his palm on her face. Tong Yao shakes her head at the childish sibling actions of her two friends before entering the elevator, pressing the seventh floor.

As the door closes, Tong Yao removes her black mask and wig off, scaring Pierre into losing his wits. Seating on the floor, squeezing himself in the corner and clutching his chest breathing heavily, he stares at Tong Yao with wide eyes. Jin Yang on the other hand, burst into a huge fit of laughter whilst Tong Yao stare at Pierre with a frown and concern expression.

"Holy fuck Amora, I thought you took off your hair," He breathes heavily, shakingly standing up still leaning against the wall, "I was not aware that you changed your hair,"

Tong Yao's expression changes into a realisation, nodding her head chuckling slightly, "Oh yea, I've only told Trey," She scratches the back of her head, "I cannot get out of the house without covering my face, so I just decided to chop it off,"

Pierre pouts and starts to fidget with Tong Yao's hair, "I love your long hair though, it was and is one of your personal signatures," he complains, Jin Yang nodding in agreement on the side, "But you look pretty with short hair too,"

Tong Yao looks at her reflection in the mirror, reminiscing the times where she would practice her dance steps multiple times inside the elevator. Reminiscing her old long black hair...reminiscing her old life. Shaking off the thoughts the doors apart from each other.

"It'll grow back sooner or later," she says meaning to comfort the pouting 23-year-old male. Pierre nods and the three of them walks out of the elevator continuing their way to the Belle Etoile Suite.

"I heard you and Ai Jia broke up again," he faces Jin Yang who rolls her eyes at the mention of her now ex-boyfriend, "what happened this time, is it serious this time? Do I need to fly to China and gank their base and break his wrist?" He questions protectively, his brotherly mode turning on, he then turns to Tong Yao who opens the door to their suit, "What about you? I heard from Trey that you bump into Jian Yang during grand Spring Finals, do I also need to tear his limbs apart? Break his wrist so he cannot play professional ever again?"

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