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⚠️There are some swearing please read caution!⚠️

"Let's just go the base," Tong Yao says as she enters the car with Jin Yang, a frown still visible, "I'm sure they're at the hospital, Ming-ge's hand was worsening and there's too many eyes to see him in the hospital,"

Jin yang nods and starts the car, both girls putting their seat belts on before Jin Yang starts driving back to Tong Yao's hotel, "But isn't there like trainees back at the base?"

Tong Yao only shakes her head, "Zhan-ge, told me that they built another quarter just for the main team," she smiles, turning to Jin Yang, "It's right next to YQCB, Ai Jia's team," Jin Yang rolls her eyes hearing the teasing tone of her friend, but says nothing and continues to drive in comfortable silence with music playing.

Taking out her phone, the former ballerina and now a new and first female professional e-sports player messages Xiao Rui, "I accept the offer, I'll join ZGDX. But I will move into the base quarters in four days, I have things to do, and can I bring my cat?" Putting her phone back inside her pouch, Tong Yao smiles widely and look ahead of her. Jin Yang side glances at her friend, smiling proudly before focusing back on the road.


Yu Ming walks out the doctor's room, wrist wrap in sports tape, his teammate surrounding him in seconds. Xiao Pang stands up from the seat, eating snacks as Lao K and Lao Mao continuously question him, Xiao Rui joining in. Lu Si Cheng stays leaning on the wall, still in deep thoughts about the conversation he had heard earlier with the captain of CK and the new member of his team.

"Yu Ming, didn't you say your cousin dated Jian Yang," he suddenly brings up the topic, looking at his midsolo. The whole team stares at him, surprise, Lu Si Cheng isn't one to interfere with someone's relationship after all.

Lu Si Cheng, being the captain of ZGDX and being a long-time friend, childhood friend really, of Yu Ming knows everything about his midsolo, just like how Yu Ming knows everything about Lu Si Cheng, the two friends never kept secrets for each other. He knows the real identity of his friend's cousins whilst the rest of the company doesn't, he knows who his friend's cousins are and have meet them multiple times before. In fact, he knows almost everything about his teammates, expect for some personal problems they choose to not share.

Yu Ming nods his head, "Why?"

Lu Si Cheng shakes his head, his suspicion proven correct by Yu Ming's simple answer, "Let's go," he says simply walking away from his team and out the hospital with a smug smirk.

'Seems like there's going to be a huge problem coming soon,' He thought, seating on his chair and closing his eyes, waiting for his friends to come up the bus. 'Smiling, Tong Yao, Amora Wang, Cheng Xiao Feng...tsk, how many names do you need?'

With the whole team entering the bus, the driver starts to drive back to the ZGDX star player's base quarter. Xiao Pang, eating his snacks, leans over his chair, looking at his captain with a suspicion, he looks around and everyone sleeping expect for him and Xiao Rui who is reading a book.

'Why is Cheng-ge suddenly curious about Yu Ming's cousin? He is trying to date her?' He thought before shaking off his 'ridiculous' thoughts, going back to looking out the window and eating his snack, 'No, no, no, Cheng-ge is to focus on winning the Nationals, he doesn't like humans other than his games and sons, there is no way Cheng-ge likes someone,'

As his phone vibrates against his leg, Xiao Rui, closes his book after placing a bookmark and opens the chat. His lip curling into a huge smile after reading the text. Standing up, screaming in happiness, and dancing he wakes everyone up. Xiao Pang chokes on his snack, Lao Mao and Lao K look around for any danger, Yu Ming and Lu Si Cheng frowning in annoyance.

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