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(If it's between Pope and Chessman, it's always in Korean...unless I say otherwise)

Clicking close from the tab, the Korean player smirks, swirling in his gaming chair as he stares at the ceiling and letting out a cute chuckle of laughs when he remembers the face this close friend made earlier in his stream. Lee Kun Hyeok, famously knowns as Hierophant or Pope, or Kun Hyeok, grab his phone and places his legs on top of his table and laying more comfortably on his chair as he scrolls through his Instagram, stalking Tong Yao's account, before deciding to text his friend, Chessman.

          My Little Brother Chessman💀

[Pope: So...still no labels?]

[Pope: I saw her post 'Our Biscuit' yet you guys aren't even in a relationship?]

[Pope: What is this😭💀]

[Pope: Relationship with no label?]

[Chessman: I don't know what you're talking about]

[Chessman: Now shoo, I'm shopping.]

[Pope: You? Shopping? In the same sentence? Gee I'm even more surprised that you're the one that said that🙄]

[Chessman: kindly fuck off]

[ who will it be? Smiling or Amora? ☺️🤨😘]

[Chessman: ????]

[Chessman: What?]

[Pope: ohh don't act stupid with me, who do you like more?]

[Pope: Amora, your first and childhood love or Smiling your online crush?]

[Chessman: ...]

[Chessman: you're stupid]

[Pope: Yes, stupid enough to be your friend for this long 🙄]

[Pope: Anyway, answer the question, which one do you like more?]

[Chessman: ...]

[Chessman: They're the same person?]

[Pope: Ahh so you're not cheati—]


[Pope: Amora, Tong Yao and Smiling are one person?]

[Chessman: Mhm]

[Chessman: Add her public courtesy name, Cheng Xiao Feng]

[Pope: ...Does she have like multiple personality disorder?]

[Chessman: What?]

[Pope: Just asking a sensible question🙄]

Waiting for an answer back but never receiving one Pope rolls his eyes so back he saw his brain and toss his phone on the table. Yawning as he swirls in his chair, not really in the mood to stream nor play any rank games. He's been busy for a while, meeting with new people, signing contracts and leaving his now team has taken a toll on the ADC.

Pope's peaceful rest was once again disturbed when another young brother of his decided to raid his office, jumping on the couch, and slamming the door close. Jolting from the sudden loud noise, Pope seats up properly and glare at the playful and player younger brother of his, Lee Hang Suk, or most people know and call him as KUN.

Kun, the jungler flashes him a cheeky smile, laying comfortably on the couch and continue to eat his snack. Grabbing the pillow beside him, Pope irritated aimed at Pope's face, hitting him straight on the nose and causing him to drop the snack on the floor. Pouting, Kun grab his snack again and Pope raises an eyebrow at him, challenging him to take any action.

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