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"Jin-er!" Tong Yao jogs towards her tall friend, waiting for her. Jin Yang turns and waves her arms with a huge smile on her face. Hooking their arms together, they made their way to the line, holding on to their ticket, standing behind few girls.

Jin Yang, smiles having a moment of déjà vu, remembering all the times of when she would line up and make sure to be the first person to buy a tick to watch the show of her friends. To travel to any country, Trey and Tong Yao went just to support and watch their performance.

"Oh yeah," Tong Yao starts as she remembers her conversation with Trey last night, "I called Trey last night, and he said I should go for the offer and he said that he misses you so much,"

Jing Yang's mean face soften, "Aww, I miss him too, doesn't he have a performance in France, in two days' time?" Tong Yao nods her head, "Do you want to watch?"

"How can I?" Tong Yao frowns, nodding to the building in front of them.

Jin Yang shrugs her shoulder, "I'll book tickets right now and then we'll leave right after the game finishes, and then after Trey's performance we'll instantly fly back and then you'll be right on time to move into your new home," she plans.

Tong Yao thought for a moment before nodding her head, "I'll just have to tell Rui-ge first,"


Walking inside the dark stadium with only red and blue lights, Jin Yang tightens her hold on Tong Yao. They made their way to the seat, realising they're seating by the two girls they defended earlier outside from the males.

Tong Yao eyes' wonders up to the people that sat behind her, rolling her eyes as she saw the two males who look down on women, "They're seating behind us," she nudges Jin Yang. The latter looks behind them and visibly rolls her eyes so back that Tong Yao could only see white, in annoyance before seating down.

"Ignore them," Jin Yang whispers, "Waste of time," she finishes, just the two girls turn to them and introduce themselves, thanking Tong Yao and Jin Yang for defending them earlier and then giving them free flags with all the five members of the ZGDX team.

"How much?" Jin Yang asks reaching inside her purse to grab some cash, knowing fully well that Tong Yao doesn't carry any cash with her.

However, she was stop by the girl, "It's given to fans as a gift, so it's free, just shout loudly for the players later, and that would be enough,"

Tong Yao smile and lean closer to Jin Yang, whispering to her, "Jin Yang, how could I never realise that these girls are so cute?"

Scenarios of Tong Yao receiving such beautiful gifts and supports from the girls cause her lip to curl into a smile, "Wouldn't it be nice if they became my fans?"

Jin Yang smirks, "Did you forget how mad you were when these girls send gifts to your boyfriend?" she reminds her best friend of the time Tong Yao cried on the call with her and Trey after her performance, complaining about Jian Yang receiving and paying more attention to his fans than to her.

Tong Yao's lips twitches, turning into a pout as she leans away from her smirking friend, not amuse by her teasing at all, "Why are you so mean lately?" her tone changes into a sulkily one.

"Breaking up sobered me," Jin Yang confidently says.

Tong Yao looks down at the stage, "Let's see how many more days you can last," she answers back in a same confident tone.

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