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this is what i meant when i said i needed a number and character description LOL these are fun so if ur interested lettme know or if u want to make ur own art and have me put it in a chapter i can do that too :) ~~~

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this is what i meant when i said i needed a number and character description LOL these are fun so if ur interested lettme know or if u want to make ur own art and have me put it in a chapter i can do that too :)

Y/n drives to Daniel's in a bit of a rush. Their chest feels heavier the closer they get to his house. After lunch, Y/n received multiple texts from their mom informing them that she was going to be going on a few business trips for a project.

She would be home off and on but not long enough. M/n decided it was best for Y/n to stay with Daniel until the work project was done.
They pull into the driveway of Daniel's house where they see their mom's car parked in the street in front of the house.

Y/n enters the house with their things to see Daniel sitting on the couch in the living room while both their moms talk in the kitchen. The sound of the front door closing and locking makes them stop.

"Oh Y/n. You made it here ok?" M/n enters the foyer to greet them.

"Yeah I'm fine," Y/n assures. They set their bag down by the door.

"I brought you everything you might need while you're here," She says.

"Is this really necessary? Can't I stay home alone," Y/n inquires.

"I'd rather you didn't. I don't feel comfortable with you being home alone for such long periods of time," M/n explains.

"I thought you were done going on these trips," Y/n frowns.

M/n sighs, "Me too but if this does well I could get another raise."

Y/n considers protesting more but knows it won't change anything and changes their mind. They let out a huff of air instead. They lock eyes with Daniel across the room. He looks sympathetic. They look back to their mom. She's already retrieving her purse that's hanging from a coat rack hanging on the wall.

"You're leaving already?" Y/n holds out their arms in offense before dropping them to their side.

"I have to leave later tonight so I need to finish packing."

Y/n sighs, "Lame."

M/n's mom pauses. She lets out a sigh of her own before pulling Y/n into a half-hug. "This will be over before you know it. I'll text you later."

They separate from the hug. Y/n simply nods. They watch as their mom leaves. She drives away from the house in a hurry. Y/n locks the front door again. They turn to see Daniel making his way over to them.

"Come on. I'll show you were your stuff is," Daniel motions for them to follow. Y/n shoulders their bookbag.

He leads them upstairs to his older sister's old bedroom. Her room is still decorated with various outdated band posters and a pink lava lamp on the nightstand. Y/n remembers staring at that thing for hours.

A duffel bag is on the floor next to the bed as well as a translucent makeup bag that has Y/n's toothbrush and other bathroom necessities. They set their backpack next to their things before sitting on the edge of the bed. Daniel sits next to them.

"This kinda sucks," Y/n states.

Daniel nods, "Yeah. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. It was probably bound to happen anyways," Y/n lays down on their back—leaving their feet hanging off the bed

Daniel copies their motion, "I guess so. Still sucks."

They're both quiet for a moment. Y/n turns their head to face Daniel, "So, how come you skipped school today?"

"Oh, I had a dentist appointment this morning," He explains, "I was gonna come in late but then uh you know...all this stuff happened so Mom wanted me to help set stuff up."



Y/n attempts to change the subject again, "Think your mom would let me go out?"

"Why do you ask?" Daniel inquires.

"Blaze was asking to hang out but I'm not sure that's gonna happen," Y/n pouts.

"...Probably not," Daniel says honestly, "Plus it's a school night."

"Guess I'll have to let him know," Y/n pouts.


After dinner and a shower, Y/n retreated to their temporary room to work on homework. Their thoughts however, were so scrambled it made it difficult to focus. They stare at their math homework in frustration. Looking at the worksheet makes them think of Blaze. Speaking of which, they forgot to call him.

They're eyes shoot to the clock. It was already 9:37? They were doing homework longer than they had thought. Y/n gives up on school work and retrieves their phone. They plop down on the bed with their phone in hand. Y/n unlocks their phone and goes straight for Blaze's contact. They hover over the call button for a second.

The phone begins to ring. They hold the phone to their ear waiting for an answer. A click on the other end makes them sit up a little straighter, "Hello?"

"Hey!" Blaze voice echos from Y/n's phone.


word count: 876

(REWRITE) Borkfriend BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now