☆ Trail of Papers ☆

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As days passed into months, Ren became more and more tired. The Shogun had become quieter, and he could see Y/n beginning to feel the effects of their lacking mother figure. As much as he wanted to do something, his work kept him stationed nowhere close to where he could comfort them. Sometimes he wondered- would he be remembered for what he wanted to be to them? Would he too be washed away in eternity, or would he make an impact to last?

He never fed into these thoughts too often. He doubted he even had time to if he wanted. More often than not, he'd write them down just to get them off his mind and shove them in the nearest book- most of the time it being the one that the Shogun and himself had written in. Ren hated being intertwined with her, but this was his deal and he knew his life and work focused on not upsetting those higher than he ever would be.

Today wasn't different from any other. It was after a long shift, so the first thing he did when he got home was sit at his desk and pull a new slip of paper off the shelf. His thoughts after long shifts were always toxic to the point they rotted his head, so he didn't waste any time vomiting them out onto the paper.

Lines became mixed together, and words were incomprehensible, but in the end- did it matter? He'd never have to look at these again. However, despite the mess of text he'd written, he felt he needed just one more line.

'I am'-

No, that wasn't right. Maybe....

'Things are'-

No, it-

Things will get better.


Ren stared at the pink words that appeared on the paper. Things would get better? Was this some sick joke? He pulled a random book off the shelf and opened it up, expecting his notes to be there.

If his day didn't need to be any worse, every single note in the book he pulled was gone. Maybe this was the first time he grabbed this book, but-

He pulled another book off the shelf, and opened it up. Nothing. Another? Nothing. Opened books covered his desk, and his heart pounded. Where were his notes? They had to be-

Ren stared at the copy of the damned book that was a sign of his contract with the very archon who was as absent as a ripe lavender melon at the market. If this book didn't have a paper, he was going to-

Upon opening the book, the scent of Sakura blooms hit his nose like someone had a knife to his face. That- damn-

He stared at the single paper left in the book, his feelings towards the Guuji beginning to tie themselves into knots. This paper had been one of the much worse days, to the point where he didn't even remember writing it. His writings had covered the entire page, overlapping thoughts and words that he didn't even know the meaning of anymore. On the black dried ink was fresh ink, pink and bright and smelling of a familiar place.

We need to talk.


"I see you've found my letter quite easily. I do hope I didn't cause any harsh feelings."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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